Cp 16 aftermath of the trial

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walking out of the room, sukuna took a moment to adjust his sight though it was dark out. It was much darker in the trial room

Sukuna: *sighs* (I feel like something bad is going to happen...... maybe I am just paranoid, and even if there is reinhard, can handle it.)

After another moment, sukuna started walking back towards the place where he left Emilia while thinking about something

Sukuna: *walking* (Something has been bothering me, roswaal is injured, but because it's his domain, he should have known this, which may mean two things. 1: He needed something inside there, which was valuable enough to risk his life, or 2: he is a simp for Echidna.)

Knowing he didn't have any evidence, he decided to keep it to himself until the clown showed his true colors or he found proof of either of his theories

Sukuna: Tsk! ( You're lucky you can say alive a little longer clown.)


After a couple more minutes, he arrives back at the place, seeing a half asleep Emilia waiting for him, which makes him happy on the inside. For some reason, he didn't know

Emila: *sees sukuna* S-sukuna! *rushes towards him and hugs him* Are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere!?

She said this while checking him all over, which made him chuckle but stopped a second later and answered her

Sukuna: *pats her head* Yea, I am fine. Sorry if I worried you (I officially became soft...... I hope nobody is watching this)


Emilia: *smiles while enjoying the head pats* That's good to hear, but how was the trial? What was it like?

Sukuna: Let's head inside first. I will tell you once we settle down, alright?

Emila: *nods* Alright!

They headed inside while once settled down, sukuna spent the next hours answering Emilias questions, which he found out were endless


Sukuna woke up and started getting ready for another long day, after a hour he heads out of his room, ready for the day

Sukuna: *using cursed technique* (Uraume, can you hear me?)

Uraume: (S-sukuna is that you?)

Sukuna: *looks out of a window* (Yes, it's me! Have you completed your mission yet?)

Uraume: (Yes, sukuna, everyone that headed to the crusch camp has returned to the village.... what are your orders)

Sukuna took a moment since he needed something looked into but decided not to

Sukuna: (Protect the village for now, I will report later on if I have anything for you)

Uraume: (Understood)

After that, he cut the connection and headed to the dining room for breakfast

Once he got there, he saw Emilia eating while his food was plated waiting for him

Sukuna: Hey Emilia, how's breakfast?

Emilia: *looks surprised but calms down* Ah! Sukuna, I didn't see you there.

Sukuna: *sits down and starts eating* It's fine. I sometimes have a tendency to do that. (I guess living a life of fighting does that to you)

After thirty minutes of eating breakfast with Emilia and talking to her, he headed to take the trials again just so he could get this done with

After a couple minutes, he arrived there and entered the trial room

Sukuna: *feels his soul leaving his body again* D-damn!

Sukunas body falls to the ground with his vision going only to hear Echidna speak to him

Echidna: I am quite surprised but also expected this from you, my king~


We currently see 5 people in a forest near lugunica looking at the kingdom from afar, with one having patches on his face while the other roots for eyes, the third had a volcano for a head, the fourth was a octutapus looking creature while the last one was a white haired girl with stitches on her head

Pandora: Do you know the plan?

Mahito: *rolls his eyes* Yea, unfortunately, we are stuck dealing with that sword saint, though he should be easy for us!

Jogo: *glances at mahito* Don't think that way, after all him and gojo have the same presence.

Dagon: Yes, make sure we don't repeat our past mistakes *cue toji flashbacks*

Mahito: *sighs* Fine! Anyways, see you guys!

Mahito starts running towards the kingdom to get ready for his part of the plan,

Jogo: Pandora, what are our chances beating reinhard?

Pandora: 20 percent if you tried together, so I suggest you stick to the plan jogo

Jogo: Right....


You can see a city with tall buildings and a certain jogoat in the air shocked on what happened

Sukuna: HAHAHAHA! *apears infront of him and forces him into a sky scraper*


After a minute, he lands on the bottom floor with a broken jaw confused about what is happening

Sukuna: *standing behind jogo* The moonlights illumination makes it easier to see how pathetic you are!

He picks jogo up and says

Sukuna: Come now, we aren't done. You aren't allowed to die until I have had my fun weakling kekeke~

Jogo exploded in anger and destroyed the building with sukuna dodging it and jumping onto the road using cleave to move along the road swiftly while we could see jogo focus the fire into a meteor

Jogo: *flying at sukuna* MAXIUM OUTPUT METEOR!

While jogo was doing that, sukuna was having his fun with a couple of stray sorcerers, but when the meteor was about to hit, he dodged at the last second

Jogo: *lands on the meteor* Even sukuna should have gotten harmed from that.

Sukuna: *sitting down* It would have if it hit.

Jogo turned around and looked at him in shock


Hanami: Jogo, you okay?

Jogo: *snaps out of it* Y-yes just remembering something.

Dagon: Just don't do that when we start fighting the sword Saint since you will be our biggest piece against him

Jogo: I won't.

Pandora: Enough, let's start heading there.... the remaining witch cultists should be attacking now

They all nodded and start heading there ready to fight reinhard with pandora(?) Having one last thought

Pandora: ( Just a little longer, and then the culling games will start *smiles* not even you can stop what is to come sukuna.)


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