Chapter 6

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The Reunion

The trio have been frantically running for 5 minutes now. They are out of breath and finally stopped. Quinn sat on the ground, Brierly leaned on her Claymore and Rocko rested on his, now mended, drone. "Is everyone okay?" Quinn asked, catching her breath.
"Im good!" Rocko nodded
"Im... Yeah Im fine" Brierly agreed.

Quinn shook her head "If I knew it was gonna take entering Michelle Bell's territory," She was refering to Byker, "Get ambushed by 6 of her goons, saved by Alfie Gooner, Experience Bouchers Brewery and infriltrate Hollys base... I would of just stayed in bed..." She sighed, forgetting why she had came here.
"Guys..." Rocko said looking in the distance
"What could you possibly want?" Brierly snapped back, just tired.
"We made it" He walked out of the way, the sun shun down on them as the School stood before them. A big banner hung up that reads 'Class of 2025 Reunion!!! Co-hosted by Garreth Smith, Scot March and Darren Lamb'
"Big banner..." Rocko looked in awe. "How much paper would it cost though...-"
"What are we waiting for!?" Quin asked
"Yeah, lets go!" Brierly ran. Quin and Rocko followed

The trio ran into the school. They walked into the reception and a receptionist sat at the desk, It was still Angela, 10 years later...
Rocko looked confused "Shouldnt she like...-"
"Be retired?" Quinn finished him off 🗿

"Name?" She asked them
They got access and were escorted into the assembally hall by Markus Mather. In the hall was party music. Followed by the cringest dance moves on the stage...

"Right... Im gonna go look around. See you later guys" Rocko walked into the crowed, followed by Brierly. Quinn was on her own for this one. She couldnt wait to see what the future looked like for her old friends.

She walked around awkwardly. She then was met with a face he didnt want to see. A man with glasses and blond hair approached her. He was wearing a priests gown... "Shalom" Joe bowed to Quinn. Quinn was stunned
"Joe!??!" She was speachless, why is Joe jewish??
"Aaronnnnn, lovely to see you. Hows the new vagina?" He asked with a world winning smile as always.
"Its... going... Hows the new religion?" She snapped back
"Great! Ive got a nice Jewish wife and 3 of my little shallomians." He smiled
"Sorry your what?" Quinn was confused again.
"My shallomians" He smiled
"Whats a shallimian?" Quinn asked
"A child!" He replied
"Alright... Im gonna go... The opposite dirrection!" Quinn walked away slowly...

Quinn continued walking untill he bumped into someone. He looked and saw it was... Shay? But he had... normal skin?
"Oh! Quinn I just realised! I thought you were Lottie or Jade for a second" He laughed
"Shay hows it going?" Quinn asked
"Going great" She replied. "Uhh... Your skin?"
"Oh, well that new government found a cure for excemia so Ive got normal skin now!" He sounded really happy
"Thats amaising Shay!"

Shay and Quinn engaged in small talk until finally... someone caught his eyes...
A man with a huge beard, built and a vikings body. He knew who that was
"Hi Craig..." Quinn approached him
"Aaron! Oh my daysssss, its been forever! It has been, it-"
They were interupted by a lot of noise on the stage. Loud music played throught the hall as steam swamped the stage
"Alright everyone..." A shadowed figure could be seen in the steam "Whos ready to get this fucking party started!!!!!" From the steam. Scot March emerged, wearing the scarf he got from 'the woman' and his sick new shoes from the catalogue.

He busted out into song, dancing with a fleet of back up dancers. He started downing shots, spraying alocohol around like no ones buisness.

Quinn felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see Rocko with a 6,2 guy with a dad bod. "Aaronnnn!" Dapped him up, Quinn was just confused, was this a new teacher.
"Kian I told you, he goes my Quinn now like how im Rocko... Riiiiight?" Kian then remembered
"Ah right my bad, my bad."

Quinn was shocked. He didny expect kian to... well look manly really. Just as Rocko, Kian, Quinn and Craig were catching up there was a loud bang. "Scot I sware to god!" Rocko shouted
"It wasnt me this time!" He said, turning to see a demolition truck ramming through the wall. The wall came down and out emerged Michelle Bell with many of her goons. A woman came out of the demolition vehicle. Out emerged George Wynyard, a nutorious member of The Bells. Just as everyone thought that was the worst, tanks and robotic mechs bust down the wall opposite to that and out emerged Holly, followed by Eva and Ale. Quinn was bang on in the middle of the two greatest evils face to face. If this was the cold war, then shit just got warm...

It was at this moment that even Mr March realised they were in trouble.

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