Chapter 5

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Villians Opening

Quinn and Rocko were once again on their own again. They had encountered a few enemys but with their rayguns, they made quick work of them. They were walking in a forrest.

"So... This reunion. Who are you most excited to see?" Rockos curiousity peaked, really wanting to know.
"Oh Craig for sure." Quinn responed, pretty quickly aswell. "Im guessing yours is Kian?'
"Actually me and Kian have always been in contact so its not a reunion for us. Im really excited to see Joe actually." He smiled. "But why Craig, you two didnt even seem to know eachother like... that much" Rocko was confused
"Oh... I dunno... Im just excited to see him after so long I suppose." Quinn was getting lost in thought. Its when Rocko spotted something and made him get down

"Rocko! What the he-" Rocko shushed him and told him to look where he was pointing. It was then that Aaron set eyes on a bunch of people. They seemed to be collecting oil from the ground. Rocko gasped, "What the hell are they doing! Dont they know what this is gonna do to the enviroment??" But then shut up when he realised who was in charge of this opperation. It was non other than the worlds greatest (kinda) villian in the UK.
Holly, the Supervillian
Followed by her subordinates
Eva, the Scarlet Witch
Ale, the Animated Painter
Brierly, the Furry Brawler

Rocko analysed this situation with a drone that he... just has. He identifys a few routes that they can take:
Route 1, they encounter a few Robotic soldiers and run into Ale, the Animated Painter
Route 2, they encounter a little robotic soldiers and run into Eva, the Scarlet Witch
Route 3, they encounter a lot of robotic soldiers and run inyo Brierly, the Furry Brawler
Route 4, go straight for it and face against the Villain herself and CEO of Holly Tech.

Quinn decides that Route 3 is for the best. They can easilly take on Robots...

"Okay, heres the plan Quinn. Im gonna use my drone to stun the the Robots from above anf your gonna deliver the final blow with the Ray guns we got back at the Brewery. You ready?" Rocko braced.
"Born ready."
Rocko nodded and concealed himself in bushes, dawning these futuristing blue glasses that allow him to see from the drones perspective.

Quinn started sneaking around to the starting point of Rockos planned out route. He was instantly encountered with three robots. Quinn waited until the drone shot a beam from above, stunning the enemy robots. Quinn raised his Ray Gun and shot the robots, causing them to dissolve into nuts and bolts.

Advancing forward, they kept taking out robots, having little issue with the situation. Rockos drone came down to Quinns level and looked at him, "Okay Quinn. Now when your accessing the machine you need to input the the Passcode 'DownWithFoxE1' and you should gain access. Then-" the drone was then grabbed from the shadows and stomped on, dissabling it. From the shadows imerged Brierly, the Furry Brawler, followed by 2 robots.

"What are you gonna do without your little drone now, huh?" Brierly smirked, holding a claymore on her shoulder looking very cocky. Quinn panicked and looked around for the device that Alfie Gooner had given her when she remembered Rocko had it... Looks like she was on her own this time...

Quinn stared at her Ray Gun and breathed slowly. "It doesnt have to be this name, Brierly." She said regretably.
"Unfortunatly, it does" Shrugging, she looked at her robots and signalled for them to go for Quinn.

Like magic, the robotic soldiers charged Quinn. She tried shooting but they were far more resistant without being stunned first. She chanced it and kicked a robot in the head, grabbed it round the neck and zapped it, dissabling it. While she revelled in her victory, she felt the second robot grab her from behind and pin her to the ground.

Quinn was struggling against the robot when Brierly started approaching them, dragging her claymore through the ground. Just as she was lifting it to deal the final blow to Quinn, Rocko came in and shoved the robot off of Quinn, getting it under him and zapping it in the face, "Stop!" He shouted

Brierly had her claymore raised, ready to take Quinn straight out. "Why should I? All your trying to do is interfear with Hollys work!" She stated.
"Because" Rocko kept thinking. She then clocked the name, 'The Furry Brawler', and said "Because... Were both furrys..." Quinn mouthed "You say THAT!?" To Rocko. Brierly paused,
"How do you know what I am? I dont have a tail." She stated. Rocko responded with,
"Because the surgerys muy expensive. But if you spare Quinn, and join us then Ill hook you up with a guy. Im talking like 2000 Cryptos off." Brierlys eyes widened
"DAMN!" She was shocked... "Eh, Being an evil accomplice isnt worth my self-expression" She lowered her claymore
"I know someone who would hate that sentence" Quinn muttered, standing up.

Brierly looked at Rocko "So how do we disable this thing?"
"Leave it to me" He said. He typed some things in a keyboard and it said 'Disabled' on screen. Quinn breathed a breath of fresh air.
"Well that was e-" Red sirens started going off Robots started charging their location
"Folloe me guys!" Brierly shouted, running theough corridors. Eventually finding a way out...

As they were fleeing the, now deactivated base, Holly was looking from the very top with binoculars... She was next to Eva and Ale. She saw Quinn, Rocko and Brierly fleeing the scene. She put down her binoculars.

"Brierly has betrayed me..." Holly states...
"What should we do your Highness?" Ale asks
"Should we chase them down?" Eva asks
"No..." Holly turns around, "Their most likely going to the Reunion..." She started walking inside with them at their side. "Initiate operation CO5..." The door closes behind her...

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