"Please...anything but this.."

2 0 0

"I loved you, but you loved another."


"I- I LOVE YOU" the girl exclaimed
"I..im sorry, i love you but..i love another girl more..." she said
"Oh! Thats okay! Hope it works out with you two!"she smiled, hiding the heart wrenching sadness she felt

Months later

"Yeah i finally confessed to that girl i like! She said she liked me and we're going out!" She said
"Oh..thats great." The girl replied. Every time she mentioned how much she liked the other girl she felt her heart break even more..tears fell at night when she felt forced to comfort her friend.
"Why do you seem so..sad?" She said
"Nothing, just sleepy is all.."
"Oh, ok!"


The girl started changing..she stopped eating..not sleeping much, instead crying. Barely showering, cleaning herself at the bare minimum.

Her mother was worried
"Sweetie, whats wrong?" Her mother said one dinner
"Nothing." The girl replied
"Something is obviously wrong. Spill."
"Nothing is wrong, mom." The girl got up and walked upstairs without finishing her food.

The girl died months later, a literal broken heart. She stabbed herself in the heart. The note said "im sorry mom. I dont know what i did to make her not like me instead. I did everything i could. I changed for her, i tried changing everything."


Her crush never arrived at the funeral. The girl never arrived at the wedding.

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