Chapter 2

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Here's another chapter wattpadders, sorry I haven't wrote anything in a while. I've had a massive writer's block.



All night I tossed and turned not being able to think of the horror.

I wanted to know more about Temari, I wanted to know more about what was in the diary.

"Se.. Se... Sex? Sepentine?" I was trying to figure out what was the last word so I spoke out what it said, "But I'm going to keep it a... Secret!"

I hurried up to get dressed and rushed the maid to do the bal of my dress.

I may be wrong. But I know I'm right.

I rushed down the stairs only to be stopped by my tutor, Charles. "Ah! Bella, I finally found you." He chuckled darkly.

"You learn't your Spanish yet?" I rolled my eyes, now he is starting to see a reaction out of me. "I learn't Spanish two years ago." I replied blandly.

"Oh so you did, so you did, tomorrow I'll be teaching you French." He chuckled even more, I know I could swear but I'm not going to raise to it. At all!

I carried on walking downstairs until I finally reached the bottom.

I sighed and mimicked Charles, "Tomorrow I'll be teaching you French."

A butler was staring at me with confusion.

I sighed, I should stop speaking to myself.

All I do is get weird looks off of the royal staff and my mother and father.

The guards opened the door to the dining hall, there I saw Temari laughing with mother.

I entered, the air suddenly came silent. It was deafening.

"Where is father?" I asked as I looked at Temari, she was grinning.

"Oh he didn't tell you?" Mother said surprised and I shook my head 'no' in response.

"He's on... A business trip." She smiled but it looked like a fake smile.

"No he hasn't. Tell me the truth." I frowned at mother with complete disgust.

It felt like she had lied to me for the first time. I heard her give out a heavy sigh.

"Fine fine, he's sorting out a war with Japan." She smiled sadly and then coughed from her throat.

"Let's just have breakfast." Temari gave mother a comforting smile and stroked her hand in a friendly way.

I watched Temari eat warily and squinted at her, the evils.

I hate her already but she's so beautiful. Hmph.

Temari grinned as she finished off eating her mango and swallowed.

"Something wrong Bella?" Her menacing voice haunted me and shot chills down my spine. Creepy.

I suddenly looked away, but the urge to look at her was so wanting and needy.

"I just thought how lovely it would be if I had mangos and cream."

I folded my arms and looked at the greasy bacon, sausages and egg.

"Gustafson! Get me some mangos and cream please!" I yelled politely as possible and gave a cheesy smile.

"Thanks!" I also yelled and Mother eyes me thinking how rude it was to shout so loudly and unprincess like.

I shrunk into my seat and gulped, still keeping the same smile locked onto my face.

Temari was laughing in the background but made no noise.

Goodness gracious me. I can't do anything around here without being unlady-unprincess like.

Please lord let me do something in my life that wouldn't be classed as a sin.

Finally, the arrival of my breakfast. Mangos and creeeaaammm! Nom nom nom!

I scarfed down my breakfast as quick as I could, the sweetness of the elegant mangos teased my pallet and the cream washed the sweetness down with a soothing milky taste.

I was finally happy. If anyone asked me, what would the food you would eat every day without getting fat what would it be? I would answer with:


Mangos and cream;



Goats cheese en platter and sushi.

Unfortunately that dream would never come true since it's a fantasy everybody has.

After I had finished my food I looked over to my mother and saw her staring at the portrait of me, her and father. She withdrew herself from her seat and walked out of the dining hall with know excuse.

I looked at Temari with a concerned look and gave a frown, she grinned at me with a menacing look on her face.

I sighed and withdrew myself from my seat and went to go and walk in the garden.

I wanted to find out this secret Temari had hidden in her journal just wherever I go she finds me and I find it to be creepily weird...

I then went to my "secret fountain" which actually wasn't secret like I thought it was and sat down on the marble bench looking up at the sun with the smell of fresh spanish grown roses in the air.

I saw a little girl running to where I was sat as she giggled wearing a yellow sun dress and started to make aeroplane sounds as she spread her arms running around the fountain. She did this three times until she went behind the statue where it blocked my view and she disappeared.

I raised my eyebrow, got up and looked to see if she was sat down behind the statue, she wasn't then I remembered that was me. When I was ten.

I remember that day where I met Temari the next day, she was twelve and I use to mimic everything she did. But it was unusual to have visions like that.

But what does it mean?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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