N19 - Secret revealed

Start from the beginning

With Bright's aid, we thought we we're able to escape.

As we attempted to escape, we were confronted by the boss of the Agnes Corporation and his guards.

They took us by our collars and dragged us back to the building, where they tied us up with ropes.

The boss remained calm and composed despite Bright's expletive-laced outburst.

He proceeded to ask a question with a level of indifference that made the situation even more terrifying.

"So, who do we have here, hm?" he enquired calmly, adding a hint of a condescending undertone to his remark.

Bright responded with a fresh barrage of insults, only to receive a punch in return as punishment.

The boss gave his guards a sign.

They started to punch him even more.

"NO! Please, I'm begging.. Do not.. hurt him.. Everyone but him.." I begged, tears filling up my corners.

It just hurts to see Bright like this. It hurts, it just really hurts.

The boss laughed.

"My, my this is making me so sad. But nah, I won't. This is just a beginning."

He kicked Bright to his chest, making him cough out blood.

"YOU! When my boss finds about this, he will murder you, I swear!" I tried to warn him.

"Hah! Your boss will never find out about this, if I kill both of you."

In this exact moment I was thinking about memories where I was finally happy.

Memories with Bright.
Memories with Merry.
Memories with both of them.

"My, My.. I didn't even do anything and both of you are already dying, huh?"

He looked at both of us.

"I wonder where I should shot you two."

He looked at our body.

"Your brain, your face... Or maybe your heart?"

He looked up.

"Heart sounds good.. If I shot your daughter-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!" I cried out.

"Ohoho! It's settled then. Go find their daughter, I bet she's currently in the Martician."

He told his guards, who simply nodded.


"My choice is my choice."

As we faced their imminent doom, a profound sense of desperation and resignation clouded our thoughts.

Tears streamed down my face as I realized that I would never have the chance to express my true feelings to Bright, who is currently unconscious all in blood.

I also realized that I would never be able to fulfill my sister's dream of achieving the highest rank.

Also I will never have the chance to see  Merry one last time.

These painful realizations caused me to feel a deep sense of regret, and I was left with no choice but to simply accept his inevitable fate.

That's when the sudden gunfire outside caught everyone by surprise, and for a moment, the boss and his guards were speechless.

That's when our little Merry emerged through the entrance and shot the boss and other enemies straight in their chest.

I called out, "MERRY!!"

"Papa Win, Papa Bright!!" She came rushing to us, with worry.

"How did you-"

"This tiny metal thing told me you guys are in danger." She showed me the thing, and I immediately knew, that this is something made my Chimon.

"And where did you get the gun from?"

"In the vault under couch."

"Makes sense.. Um.. Do you know how to untie these ropes?"

"Of course. I learned it in my past."

She untied me, and then I untied Bright, who was still unconscious.

"Merry, I'm sorry that we have been lying to you."

"It's okay, papa Win. You just wanted to protect me, I know."

With Bright in my hands, we rushed out of the building together.

"Merry, can you give me that metal thing?"

"Mhm, here."

I tapped the button three times, which means that there will be send out an emergency message to Chimon.

And sure after sitting in the shadows of the building for a time, helicopter arrived.

Perth and Chimon were the ones, who helped us get to the helicopter.

We safely got home.

All thanks to Merry.

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