4:- Strange

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Sivanna's pov:-

I was sleeping peacefully until my alarm went off. "Ughh, i hate mornings" i mumbled and got up from my bed. I looked at my phone it's eight o'clock. "Okay, get up sivanna you have grocery shopping to do before going to work". I talked to myself. I started walking towards the bathroom. I started to brushed my teeth and went to take shower.


Yesterdays flashback after Dinner

Seth's pov:-

We came to see her again but she was sleeping. She was wearing cute pyjamas. Me and my brothers were looking at her sleeping figure. We smiled at her. "So precious" Warren whispered. She was sleeping like a baby.

I went towards her and sat beside her. Her small hair strands were falling on her face. I tugged her hair strands behind her ears. Warren and Vesper sat on the other side. We kept looking at her. She was perfect. We saw multiple girls but she was most beautiful and breathtaking girl. Warren kissed her forehead. Vesper was caressing her cheek. I held her hand and kissed her fingers. "Good night love " Vesper cooed and kissed her cheek. Me and Warren kissed her forehead. We got up from the bed. "We'll meet tomorrow mi qeurida" Warren mumbled. And we left her room.

Present day.

Sivanna's pov
After shower i wore white dresses with sneakers.

I wanted to be comfortable that's why instead of heels i wore sneakers

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I wanted to be comfortable that's why instead of heels i wore sneakers. I tied my hair in high pony. I came out of my bathroom saw my window was open. ''How is my window open? I closed it before going to bed? Right" i questioned myself "Maybe, I forgot to close it" i replied to my question.


Vesper pov

Today we are going to meeting her. We set cameras in her room. She was looking ravishing in that white dress. She was locking her door. "We can't meet her in shopping mall" Warren said. He was right. " So, when are we planning to meet our angel" Seth questioned. "She works at cafe, will meet her there" Warren replied. " Okay" Seth mumbled.

Our mens were following her. After three hours of shopping she finally entered her apartment building. She looked exhausted. I sighed. " She needs to rest" Seth mumbled. I nodded. "Once she is married to us she won't have to do that shitty job" Warren said. We smiled. Our wife. She will be our wife. " Feels surreal" i said. "It does but its not " Warren replies.

"God, i am so exhausted " she said while jumping on my bed. "She needs to eat something first" Seth said angrily. " You're right" i replied and continued "let's send special delivery to our angel". "Hell yes " Seth replied with smile. "What should we send and how will she react" Seth asked. " Don't worry, we will send it to her but her friend name will be written on it" Warren said with a smirked.
Sivanna's pov

I was lost in my dreamland when there was a knock on my front door. "Ughhh, go away " i mumbled. But still that person was banging on my door. I got up from my bed and went to open my door. There was a man holding a parcel for me. Did i ordered something and forgot? I thought. Well definitely not. I don't have money to order food from outside. I know how to cook. "Are you Miss. Rae?" that man questioned. " Yes, i am " i replied to him. " We got a parcel for you " he said "but i didn't ordered anything " i protested. " Its a gift ma'am" he said. " "Huh?" I was clueless. He handed me that parcel it was huge and there was a note.

Sorry babe, I can't come over have a plans with jacob. I am sorry and accept this parcel as my apology gift.

It was from Amber. "Thank you" i said to him. He nodded and left. I went in the kitchen and opened the parcel it was toffee pudding and chocolates. My mouth watered at the sight. I grabbed the plate and started savouring it. "Feels like heaven" i said. They chuckled . They knew her likes and dislikes.

After i finished my sweet heaven moment. I got ready for my job. I left my apartment and started walking down the streets.

I entered into the cafe. It was less crowded today. Strange, i thought to myself. It's been two hours and there were very few people and the girl Jane who works with me was also on leave today. It was no one in the cafe except me. I sat down and removed my book. I didn't knew that someone entered the cafe because i was too engrossed in my book.

"Hello there, beautiful" i looked up and so devilishly three gorgeous handsome man. They were intimidating .They were giant and tall They had grey eyes. They were so so attractive. I was lost of word when one of them wink at me. I almost fainted.

Control yourself women, don't embarassed yourself in front of them my subconscious mind hissed.

"H-How can I help you sir?" I replied and I really wanted to run away. Their eyes were glued to me. One of them came near me and bend down to my eye level. I was so nervous, i looked down fidgeting with my fingers. His clenched his jaw. "Eye on us, angel" he said. I looked up at him. He smirked. '' We want three black coffee without sugar" he said. I nodded. "Verbal answers sweetheart" the who winked at me said. " Y-Yes sir" i said and started making them coffees.

They went and sat on the chairs near the window but i felt three pairs of eyes on me. It was so hard to concentrate when three sexy greek god was there in this cafe alone with me. Who would have thought? Not me.

Warren's Pov

When we entered inside the cafe there was no one. Our guards threatened humans from entering this cafe. Our Sivanna was sitting behind her counter with the book in her hand. She didn't even knew that we were here. Her lovers were here. "Hello there, beautiful" Seth said gaining her attention. We smiled hearing her thoughts. She was attracted to us.

Vesper winked at her. She was blushing. Her cheeks were redder than tomato. "So adorable" Seth mumbled. She didn't heard him but we did.

When i bend down to her eye level, i accidentally saw her sexy cleavage. Fuck, i wanted to fuck her. I control myself. "Eye on us, angel" I said. She looked up at us . We smirked. '' We want three black coffee without sugar" I said. She nodded. "Verbal answers sweetheart" Vesper said. "Y-Yes sir" she said and ran away. We chuckled. Such a submissive.

We were observing her every move. She came towards us with the tray. She handed my coffee to me, she looked up at me and I smiled at her. She smiled too. Damnn she got beautiful dimples on her pretty face. Vesper and Seth thanked her. She went behind her counter and started doing her work. "fuck" Vesper mumbled and continued "look at that bubbly ass, i just want spank it ". "Soon brother soon " Seth replied.


Thank you for reading my story.

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