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As Aeng walked to school the next day, her thoughts once again consumed by the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. The delicate petals of the Sakura trees danced in the gentle breeze.

Lost in her own world, Aeng was startled by the sudden sound of approaching footsteps. Turning her head, she saw Taehyung running alongside her, his breaths coming out in short pants as he tried to catch up.

"Oh, so our paths to college are the same." Taehyung said.

Aeng's eyes widened at the sight of him, her heart fluttering inexplicably at the sound of his voice. Despite her inner turmoil and supposed fear of men, she couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt towards him. His boxy smile only added to her bewilderment, leaving her momentarily speechless.

He looks like the most beautiful creature on this planet.

A nervous gulp escaped her throat as she struggled to comprehend her own conflicting feelings. She reminded herself of her supposed crush on Jackson, the athlete at school, but in this moment, Taehyung's presence seemed to overshadow any other thoughts or feelings.

They reached the school gates in companionable silence, the gentle rustle of Sakura petals serving as the only soundtrack to their shared moment. Without exchanging further words, they parted ways, each lost in their own thoughts yet inexplicably drawn to the enigma of the other.


Aeng made her way to her locker, the clatter of her footsteps echoing in the hallway as she exchanged her school attire for sports gear. With a water bottle and towel in hand, she headed towards the school grounds for her physical education class.

Upon reaching the grounds, her gaze was immediately drawn to Jackson, effortlessly dribbling the basketball with skill and finesse. Aeng couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration as she watched him.

She sighed softly, a hint of sadness clouding her features as she averted her gaze. In that moment, she couldn't help but doubt herself, questioning whether she was worthy of someone like Jackson. The idea of him being out of her league lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her self-confidence

He can never be mine... Am I just... average?

She stood in a corner, mentally preparing herself for the physical education class, the teacher's voice cut through the air, drawing her attention.

"Aeng, come join us on the court. It's time to test your skills and gain some valuable experience."

Aeng's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected instruction. She glanced nervously at Jackson and his teammates, her mind racing with anxiety.

With a deep breath, Aeng stepped onto the court. She positioned herself opposite Jackson and his team, she squared her shoulders and focused her gaze, ready to face the hell of a situation.

She couldn't ignore the smirk playing on Jackson's lips. Despite the teacher's encouragement for a friendly competition, Jackson's demeanor suggested him otherwise.

He played with an intensity that seemed disproportionate to the friendly match they were meant to have.

Aeng struggled to keep up, her movements clumsy and uncertain compared to Jackson's agile prowess. With each aggressive play, her confidence waned, the pressure mounting with every passing moment.

Jackson launched the ball with such force that it collided with Aeng's face. Pain blossomed across her nose, and she staggered backward, her vision swimming as she felt warm blood trickle down her face.

The court fell silent as everyone paused,
Aeng's hand instinctively went to her nose, her fingers coming away stained crimson.

As Aeng's tears welled up, a mixture of pain and disappointment, she felt a gentle touch on her chin. Startled, she looked up to see Taehyung's concerned gaze, his eyes filled with empathy.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Aeng's voice caught in her throat as she struggled to find the words to respond. Before she could answer, Taehyung took charge, gently tilting her head upwards to assess the extent of the nosebleed.

"Don't worry."

In a swift motion, Taehyung turned to Aeng's classmate, his voice firm and commanding

"What the fuck are you watching? Family drama? Go get an ice pack, quickly!"

With a nod of understanding, Aeng's classmate hurried off to fetch the necessary supplies.

As Jackson stepped in between them, his laughter ringing out, Aeng felt a surge of discomfort wash over her. His dismissive words stung, the casual tone only serving to deepen her sense of humiliation.

"Hey, it's just a little nosebleed alright? Don't cry baby."

The word "baby" hung in the air, a sharp pang of irritation prickling at Taehyung's nerves. His jaw clenched.

But before Jackson could say anything more, Taehyung intervened, his voice firm.

"Jackson, you can go now. I've got her."

As the situation eased, her trust reaffirmed a little in that moment of vulnerability.

She looked at Taehyung and gave him a slight smile to let him know that she's okay.

One Spring Day- Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now