"I don't think my prince is willing to lay with me, let alone another woman." Koko managed to say. She would die if her Prince touched Penelope first and not her. He was hers first. She did not mind sharing her own body, but the thought of the prince burying his magnificent cock in someone else's pussy, his lean muscles under someone else's hands? She could not see through the red haze in her vision for a moment. Blinking through it, she forced herself to calm down as Penelope changed the subject, chattering on about gowns and jewels.

Smart girl..Koko thought. She eventually forgave the girl for her suggestions, and vowed to never let her cross paths with her Prince. Penelope seemed to understand Koko did not want to share her Patron, so she did not mention it again.

The banquet doors opened, a herald announcing the second prince. Koko rose from her seat immediately, her gaze searching for her Prince. He swept in, cloak and all, and found his seat at the head table. Platters of fresh meat - from the hunt - followed his entrance, and the merriment of the banquet came to an all time high. The Crown Prince scowled at his younger brother, as it was clear he was preferred by their subjects.

Koko sat back in her seat when he did not even glance at her. She watched her prince as she nibbled on the delicious food in front of her. Her appetite was not as hearty as it usually was, because there was something she hungered for more than anything. Her prince did not glance at her as he was immersed in conversation with the important nobles clamoring for his attention.

Koko waited patiently, hoping he would eventually notice her as well and bade her to sit with him. She could watch him for hours - she liked everything she saw. The way he drank from his wine goblet, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. She imagined licking down his strong neck, tracing the lines. She even envied his fork as it slipped between his lush lips, depositing a piece of meat in his mouth. His jaw flexed as he chewed, and Koko's imagination took flight, thinking of how his face would look as he climaxed.

She resented any distraction that took her attention away from him - Penelope chattering on next to her, other ladies coming to their table to introduce themselves. Koko was polite outwardly, but her fists were clenched underneath the table as she counted the seconds until she could return to her prince.

Finally, the prince rose in his seat, bowing deeply to his brother. It didn't suit him, to lower himself for another man when he was clearly the most regal, but who was Koko to question it. It was the way of the world, and she especially knew her own place.

The Prince swept from the room, and tears threatened to spill from Koko's eyes when he moved past her. She thought he would summon her, but the immense disappointment she felt was nothing she had ever experienced in her life. She felt her heart break a little, until he paused at the door. Her heart beating wildly, she nearly yelped when he turned to meet her gaze for the first time since his return.

She sat frozen as he met her eyes for a moment. She held her breath...then he lifted his hand, beckoning her to come to him. Koko breathed in again, rising from her seat. She paid no mind to the ladies calling out to her, or even Penelope who asked where she was going. She only had eyes for her Prince, and not breaking this contact, she finally stood before him.

His gaze swept over her face, down her body, before meeting her eyes once more. Koko did not think she imagined the heat in his stare, but he merely nodded, and bade her to follow him out of the banquet hall.

The doors closed behind them as they walked down the hall, up the stairs and to the west wing of the castle, where the Royal suites were. Koko could barely contain her excitement as she anticipated what would pass between them soon. She had a feeling, she would finally know what the Prince tasted like.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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