Please, go away...

He willed himself to open his eyes yet the moment he did, he was greeted by someone's back blocking his view. He could hear a few disappointed groans and before he knew it, everyone that was previously surrounding him had begun to leave.

He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he turned to look up and meet his savior. To his surprise, it was someone with familiar white hair and metallic-colored eyes.

"I didn't know you stayed in the dorms," Nagi spoke calmly as he turned around slightly to glance at [Name] who was behind him. Despite his slacked posture, he was still far too tall, tall enough to loom over him.

[Name] opened his mouth to respond but couldn't find it in himself to speak. His throat felt dry and his words refused to leave his mouth. Rather than waiting for a response, a look of understanding seemed to appear on Nagi's face as he simply looked away.

"School's about to start. Let's go." And with that, he walked off without another glance back at him.

For some reason, [Name] couldn't help but feel relieved to the point of collapsing. He truly expected Nagi to ask questions, to mention what just happened, or to at least give him some sort of judgemental stare.

But he didn't

He acted like nothing happened and didn't address anything. Was it because he knew it would make him uncomfortable? Or was it simply because he just couldn't care at all? 

Either way, he's glad he didn't bring it up.

After composing himself enough, he ran off after Nagi. The other teen gave him a simple glance but other than that, didn't say anything. They ended up walking together to school in silence and surprisingly, it wasn't that bad.

They didn't speak at all during the walk and for that, he was grateful.

As they arrived at the school gates, a few people couldn't help but whisper at the sight.

"First it was Reo-sama and now [Name]-san?"

"What do they even see in that slacker?"

While [Name] still doesn't entirely like Nagi because of Reo, he could at least admit that the other wasn't that bad of a person. That's why, when he heard the whispers, he couldn't help but frown.

He was about to turn and look at them but Nagi seemed to think ahead and blocked his view of the chattering girls. "It's fine. I don't really care about stuff like that." He shrugged casually as they entered the building.

"That doesn't make it okay." [Name] quipped back but other than that, didn't do anything else as he began to switch his outdoor shoes for indoor ones used when loitering inside the school building.

Once he was finished putting on the other pair of shoes, he found Nagi waiting for him with his hands in his pockets. Wordlessly, they walked to their classrooms which were in the same floor.

Before [Name] entered his room, he stopped by the door and glanced at Nagi. "Thanks for earlier." He muttered. "You're not that bad but I still don't like you." He added with a deadpan look.

"Okay," Nagi responded with the same blank expression he wore. "I'm leaving now."

For some reason, [Name] couldn't help but snort as he walked to his seat and sat down. He let out a light groan as he slumped in his seat.

He feels a lot better now.


The moment it reached lunchtime, Reo immediately ran into his classroom with a loud yell.

"I heard what happened!" Reo yelled in worry as he ran to where [Name] was sitting at the front of the class. The singer couldn't help but flinch as he slowly turned to look at his friend with a dumbfounded look. "Tell me names, I'll have them expelled!" 

The heir continued to list off all the other things he'd be able to do with his influence and money causing [Name] to become increasingly more confused while his classmates began to fearfully look away at the scene.

"I can even have them deported!" Reo ended with a huff as he stood in front of [Name]'s desk and shook him by the shoulders. "If you don't know the names, just tell me what they look like. I'll find them." He spoke with an evil grin on his face.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to grow colder as his classmates quietened in fear, afraid that it was them who managed to anger Reo.

On the other hand, [Name] was still heavily confused before spotting Nagi by the door. 'What the hell is he talking about??' He sent Nagi a questioning gaze only to receive a shrug before he turned back to his phone.

'Unhelpful bastard!' [Name] couldn't help but twitch as he turned to look back at Reo.

"...It's not as bad as you think?" 

"So Nagi really was telling the truth! Something did happen this morning!"

Ah, there goes the small bit of respect he had for Nagi.


Gotta build things up before letting shit hit the fan, y'know?

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