Chapter 22

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Day 14

Amanda wondered how long she'd been there. With her eyes covered and forced into induced sleeping cycles, she really had no idea. It could have been a day – it could have been a week. What she did know was that she hurt all over. Her head throbbed like she'd never experienced before – well, except when Byron Jordan's business partner hit her with chloroform and put her in her garage with the car running.

Not being able to see or move was driving her insane, and her upper arm stung like crazy. Her tormentor had given her no warning at all when he sliced her arm. None. Hadn't touched her, spoken to her, or made any other noise for that matter. There was just sudden, slicing, excruciating pain. But she had to keep her wits about her; Lee was going to come for her – somehow. She had to keep it together until then.

She heard the first door open; the tormentor was coming. Her heart rate picked up, and panic set in. Deep breaths, Amanda. Deep, slow breaths, she reminded herself. The footsteps she heard on the stairs this time were lighter than before. The second door opened and then shut.

"Ah, Mrs. King. Things are moving along quite nicely. Mr. Stetson is a little resistant now, but it won't be long and he will be all mine." The disembodied voice came nearer. "He'll soon realize your infatuation with him was nothing compared to the love I can give him."

Amanda heard the distinct sound of a camera shutter and knew June was taking a picture. To send to Lee? "We just need to keep hope alive for a little bit longer to lure him in."

Hot tears burned behind her closed eyelids. Thankfully, June was walking away from her. The door opened and closed, footsteps went up the stairs, and then silence. The woman was certifiably insane.

Anger, fear, and panic all hit Amanda at the same time. Her body began to shake as sobs came despite the straps holding her body down and the gag they'd started putting over her mouth. She couldn't breathe, couldn't swallow, couldn't see, couldn't move. She felt as if she would suffocate.


Lee had dreamt of her last night. The dream had started out sweetly as Amanda had lain in his arms. He'd felt her soft warmth snuggled against his side as her arm had wrapped possessively around his ribs. He'd felt the feathering of her hair against his chin and the whisper of her breath across his neck. He'd caught the subtle fragrance of her shampoo and sensed the completeness she filled him with.

In his dream, he had risen up on his elbow and leaned over her to capture her mouth with his. Sweet anticipation had closed his eyes as he lowered his lips to hers. But instead of the sweet softness of her, his lips had collided with something rough and rancid. His eyes had slammed open as he jerked his head away to look down at her. His beautiful wife had turned into a rotting corpse with old gauze wrapped around its mouth. But the eyes...the eyes were still Amanda's. They were open and wide with fear and panic, imploring him to help her, and he'd been helpless.

He had awakened from the dream in a cold sweat, panic making his blood thrum through his veins. Now he was standing in the kitchen drinking coffee and trying to make himself think calmly and rationally – because that's what it was going to take to save her.

He walked slowly, trepidatiously to the monitor and turned it back on. What he saw made him set his mug carelessly down on the table splashing hot coffee onto his hand. He didn't notice. There was June! Right there on the monitor! No disguise – clear as day. Billy had set up a video camera in his apartment just for this purpose – to record what Lee was seeing and hearing. He turned the volume up so the camera could capture the sound, and he listened carefully as June revealed her ultimate goals to Amanda.

Anger seethed near the surface of his mind, ready to explode again; but he kept it together – until June left and he watched panic begin to set into his wife. Tears streamed from under the gauzy blindfold and ran down into her hairline. Her nails dug into the gurney, clawing at it as her breathing rate accelerated. She was hyperventilating.

"No. Oh, no, Baby," he whispered as his hands clutched his hair. "Calm down, Honey. Calm down." He'd never felt so helpless in his life – not even when Addie Birol had kidnapped her; not even when she'd been shot in California.

He fell to his knees as he watched her continue to struggle. He felt powerlessness drape around him like a heavy blanket. Oh God. God, please help her calm down. She can't breathe! Help her relax. Please God. She's got to relax!


Shhhh. It's okay, Sweetheart. It's going to be okay. Amanda heard Lee's voice as clear as day. Suddenly, in her mind's eye she was sitting in their favorite spot in her garden under the gazebo. She felt Lee's arms come around her from behind and pull her back against his solid, safe, comforting chest. His breath whispered against her cheek as he spoke softly into her ear. I'm here, Amanda. I've got you. I'm never gonna let you go.

His arms tightened around her. Listen, Amanda. Can you hear the crickets? Can you feel the breeze? Can you smell the honeysuckle? Can you feel my heart beating? She could. It's beating for you. She felt a soft kiss brush her temple. I love you so much, Amanda. Be patient, okay? I'm going to come get you. I know it hurts, and I know you're scared. Stay strong, Darling. Stay strong for me and for our little one. Stay strong.

She nodded her head just as the sights and sounds and smells began to drift away into the mist. What had just happened, she wasn't sure. But he was right. She had to stay calm. She had to stay strong. She had too much to live for.


Lee looked back up at the monitor half afraid of what he would see. Startled, he took a closer look. It wasn't an illusion; she really was breathing easier – slower and steadier. Her nails were no longer biting into the thin mattress of the gurney. Was it possible God really was listening?

The Ties That Bind: A Scarecrow and Mrs. King Continuing Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now