Chapter 17

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Day 8

He stepped out of the bolt hole and into the office, surprised to find Francine already there. He was dressed for work, but his hair was a bit rumpled and his tie was still just hanging over his shoulders. "Oh, hey there."

She looked him over and shook her head. "It's about time. Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yes, actually, I do." He'd been shocked to find he'd slept in until nine o'clock, but hey – some things were worth it. He smiled to himself as he thought about making love with his wife last night...uh...this morning.

"I'm afraid to ask about that smile," Francine's didn't look at him as she spoke, but her tone was tinged with jealousy.

"Oh?" He couldn't help but yank her chain just a little. "Why's that?"

She slanted a look at him. "You forget how well I know you, Lee Stetson."

He shook his head. "It's true that you know the man I used to be, Francine," he sat down at his desk and began tying his tie. "But you don't know the man I am now very well at all."

"Some things never change, Scarecrow."

"And other things are radically transformed. Look..." he sighed, "...I really don't have the desire to argue about this with you. You either believe it, or you don't; there's nothing I can do about that."

Tie fixed, he glanced at the two files he'd left on his desk last night, pushed one aside, and picked up the other. "So, we know Davy and Fred's connection...and possible motive." Lee looked over the first page of June's file then glanced at Francine. "But what about June? What part do we think she's playing in all this?" He propped his elbow on the desktop and ran his hand over the side of his hair before leaning his forehead on his fingertips.

"Well," Francine stood and walked over to stand in front of Lee's desk. "We know from Leatherneck's report that she's paying Fred. But Fred is obviously working with Davy."

"Right," Lee responded looking up at her. His eyes squinted as he thought. "But where are Fred's loyalties? Is he playing both ends against the middle? Does he have his own agenda? Are June and Davy working together?" He sighed. "There are just so many unknowns."

"Can't we bring one of them in based on the information we have from Leatherneck?"

"No," Lee tapped his fingers on his desktop. "If we bring one of them in, we tip our hand. Then, who knows what dominoes will fall."

"Could Fred and Davy be using her?" She smacked the desk with her hand. "Hey, that's a thought! What if this is all Fred and Davy, but they're using June to get the job done?"

"Interesting theory," Lee sat back in his chair, lifted a hand, and rubbed the back of his neck. He really needed some coffee.

The vault door opened, and Amanda came out dressed in peach colored business-casual attire that showed off her beautiful complexion and wavy brown hair. Lee stood immediately, walked around his desk past Francine, and gently grasped Amanda's upper arms in his hands. Her hands went to his waist, and she looked up at him and smiled.

"I didn't think you'd be out and about so soon."

"Lee," Amanda smiled. "It's not like I have a disease or something." She patted his chest. "I'm fine; don't worry about me."

"'Don't worry about me,' she says." Lee shook his head. "Right." He pulled her in for an embrace and kissed her forehead.

"Okay, you two. Really?" Francine groaned. "Can we get to work now?"

Amanda patted his back and let go. "Sorry, Francine," she smiled at him and then swung her gaze to meet Francine's. "We're still in the honeymoon phase, you know."

"I know," Francine deadpanned. "But do you have to rub it in?"

"Did you eat anything?" Lee asked her.

Amanda grimaced. "I am hungry, but nothing sounded good."

"Can I send for something?" He ducked his head to get a better look at her face. "Is there anything you think you could eat?"

"I don't know..." Amanda glanced behind him to find Francine watching them. "I'm sure it's just a little stomach...something..." Lee looked at her strangely. Amanda deliberately shifted her gaze toward Francine then back at Lee and raised her eyebrows.

Oh, he mouthed. Then, "Maybe it was something you ate, huh?"

"Amanda, dear, you do look a little peaked," Francine commented. "We need to make some plans, but maybe it's best for you to go rest for a little bit."

"No," Amanda shook her head. "I'll be okay in an hour or so."

"Francine," Lee turned to look at his friend. "Can you give us just a couple of minutes?"

"Sure." Francine stood and stretched her back. "Take your time." She walked to the door and opened it. "But not too much time." She gave them each a pointed look, then closed the door behind her.

Lee and Amanda looked back at each other and broke out into a laugh. "I'm not sure she knows what to do with us yet," Amanda smiled up at Lee.

"No kidding," Lee smirked, pulling her close again. "So, what do you need right now? There's got to be something you could eat."

"Really, I'm okay. I honestly can't think of anything." She thought back on her pregnancy with Jamie and chuckled. "You know, I'd totally forgotten about all this morning sickness. I'm actually kind of relieved."

"Relieved?" Lee quirked an eyebrow at her.

"I was actually starting to worry a bit about how I was feeling."

Lee frowned "What are you talking about? I've been asking you if you were feeling okay, and you always said you were."

"I know." She reached up to straighten his tie. "I didn't want you to worry."

"Amanda King..."

"Pardon me?" It was her turn to frown as she smacked his stomach with the back of her hand.

Lee shook his head and chuckled. "You'd think, since I absolutely hate hearing people call you that, that it wouldn't slip out of my mouth."

"Yes, and don't you forget my name again, Buster."

Genuine laughter burst from his lips. "Ah, Mrs. Stetson, you haven't a worry in the world about that. But listen."


"I've only had myself to worry about for so many years. Please don't rob me of the pleasure of worrying about you, hmm?"

"Seriously, Scarecrow? You've done nothing but worry about me for four years."

Lee looked off to the side as if thinking then shrugged his shoulder. "Well, yes. There is truth to that statement." She gave a little snort of annoyance and shook her head at him. "But allow me the pleasure, please, of having a wife..." He glanced downward and gently touched her stomach "...and a child to worry about, would you?"

Her gaze softened. "Aw, Lee..." She wrapped her arms around his neck, stood on tip-toes, and kissed him.

"So," he said against her lips, "What will you eat?"

"How about a plain bagel?"

"Done." His smile warmed her from the inside out.

The Ties That Bind: A Scarecrow and Mrs. King Continuing Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now