Chapter 16

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Varna, Leiko, and Ezlana had arrived at Varna and Leiko's home in the Dark Wood, and upon seeing that it was little more than a camp surrounded by a sea of trees that were little more than husks of what they once were, Ezlana let out an audible gasp.

Ezlana: What...what happened here?

Varna: Like I had said, a reckless Gnoll with magic that could drain the life from others did this, as to how? I couldn't tell you, unfortunately.

Leiko: I'm pretty sure that when she was controlling me I had seen her drain the life from a tree at least once to power her magic.

Ezlana began walking towards the nearest tree.

Ezlana: That's awful. What could drive anyone to do such a thing?

Leiko was following just behind her.

Leiko: She was nothing more than a child who had everything ripped from her, and her reaction was to make everyone and everything suffer for it.

Ezlana placed her outstretched hand on the tree in front of her and after a second jolted backward. She had a look of disgust on her face.

Ezlana: The magic that was used to do is vile! But, I do believe that I can fix it.

Leiko: That's a good start.

Varna had walked over to where they were.

Varna: How long do you think it will take?

Ezlana took a breath to steady herself.

Ezlana: It will not be a quick process, the magic used to do this was as strong as it was vile.

Varna shook her head before locking eyes with Ezlana.

Varna: Take as long as you need.

Ezlana nodded.

Ezlana: Right, well if I am to be doing this I am going to need somewhere to sleep.

Leiko: It won't be hard to set a tent up for you, so make yourself at home.

Ezlana: Then I'll get started while one of you does that.

She placed her hand back on the tree and then after a few seconds began to speak barely above a whisper.

Ezlana: Enkanda, please lend me your magic so that I can heal this forest.

Then a few seconds later, several green, translucent tendrils of magic began to go from her forearm and into the tree. The tree began to glow a faded green before the bark eventually became a faded, but still alive looking brown. Then, a few moments later a few leaves sprouted from the ends of a few of its branches. Ezlana pulled her hand away, panting slightly.

Leiko: Are you okay?

Ezlana nodded.

Ezlana: Yes, I'm fine. Just a little winded, that's all.

Leiko: I just wanted to make sure.

He walked up to the tree and placed his hand on its trunk.

Leiko: I'm curious, what were you saying before the tree started glowing?

Ezlana: Oh, that? I and several others who live in Glimmerwood draw our magic from the goddess of the forest, Enkanda.

Leiko: Then I guess the only other question is who made the Glimmerwood?

Ezlana shook her head.

Ezlana: I don't know that, all I know is that it has been there since before I was born.


Leiko had just finished the stew that they were going to be eating for dinner.

Leiko: Foods ready!

A moment later Varna and Ezlana had arrived, taking a seat on some logs that had been fashioned into rudimentary stools. Leiko handed both of them their bowls of stew before getting one for himself. Looking around he could see that only a small fraction of the trees had any life to them.

Leiko: You were right when you said it would take a while, at this rate it could be weeks if not months.

Varna: How long it takes isn't important, just that it gets done. I don't want you practically killing yourself to get it done faster, you hear me?

Ezlana nodded while Leiko laughed a little. When Ezlana took a bite of the stew her pupils dilated and she looked at Leiko.

Ezlana: This is far better than what we had on the way back, why is that?

Leiko gave a short laugh and rubbed the back of his neck.

Leiko: Well, we have access to a lot better spices and stuff now that we're back at camp, I mean I am by no means the best cook.

Ezlana shook her head.

Ezlana: Don't say something like that, this is fantastic.

She locked eyes with Varna.

Ezlana: Being able to cook like this, you best keep a hold of him. It wouldn't be hard for someone to try to take him.

Varna looked away while Leiko looked at the ground.

Varna: Believe me, it wouldn't be the first time he would have gone into town to get something and I had to go get him because someone decided they were going to try and take him.

Ezlana: Oh?

She looked at Leiko.

Leiko: Yeah. A few different times I have had females try to make me stay once they found out I knew how to cook as well as I do...and when you do your best not to hurt them it can make it hard to get past them.

Varna snorted.

Varna: Wasn't very hard to get them to move once I showed up.

Leiko gave a half-assed laugh and rubbed the back of his head.

Leiko: Of course not, they didn't want to be torn limb from limb.

Ezlana: Wait, I thought Gnolls weren't allowed into most settlements.

Varna: They aren't. I just did my best not to kill anyone whenever I had to get him.

Ezlana: Well, I should finish eating my stew so that I can rest and then get back to healing this forest.

Leiko and Varna nodded and continued eating as well. Once they were done, everyone went to bed for the night. Ezlana in her tent. Varna and Leiko into their tent.

The Travels of Rose AshmawDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora