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It was not even six in the morning, yet bright light woke Joshua up. "The fuck..?"

"Good morning, we're going to gym, remember?" Jeonghan stood beside his bed, all smiley. Joshua glanced at his clock and it read '5:30 am'. He rubbed his eyes, sitting on the bed and tried to look at Jeonghan.

"Doesn't the gym open at six thirty?" Joshua yawned.

"Yeah, but we're going to reach at six forty five." Jeonghan sat on the edge of the bed.

Joshua furrowed his brows, "Why?"

"So Seungcheol won't see me, duh," Jeonghan rolled his eyes. Joshua thought it was stupid but he had to support. "Now, hurry up and get ready!" Jeonghan rushed him.

Joshua raised his hand and got out of the bed to change.

Jeonghan and Joshua entered the gym at 6:46, just fashionably a minute late. Jeonghan's eyes wandered until it landed on Seungcheol and Seokmin lifting weights far away from them.

"There they are! we're going waayyy opposite from them. Like the treadmills." Jeonghan grabbed Joshua and headed where there were treadmills.

"What's the point then? By the way, Seokmin said he'll try to get some information out of Seungcheol if he's lucky." Joshua's mouth was suddenly covered by Jeonghan.

"Oh my god.. Isn't that his assisant?! On a treadmill? In very short gym fit?" Jeonghan's whispered. Joshua glanced at where his friend was looking. There was a young lady jogging on the treadmill with earphones.

"Quick! on the chest press!" Jeonghan pushed Joshua on the chest press's seat.

Seokmin came towards them, "Hey guys, if you need a gym train—" he got cut off by Jeonghan.

"Did you know his assistant is here?" Jeonghan glared at him, pointing at the lady. Seokmin glanced at that direction.

"What? No, I'm seeing her for the first time." Seokmin said.

"Where's Seungcheol?" Jeonghan and Seokmin looked at Joshua like they forgot about him. 

"Oh hey, bunny." Seokmin smiled at him. "Seungcheol said he was going to the restroom...and he's next to his assistant on the other treadmill." he sighed.

Jeonghan didn't speak or move. He watched Seungcheol what he saw "flirt" with his assistant.

"Is this why you took me to the club that day?" Joshua frowned, worried about his friend. Jeonghan didn't answer. He looked mad.

"Give me your fucking hat." Jeonghan extended his hand to Joshua. Joshua obediently handed his hat to Jeonghan.

Jeonghan wore it, ducked his head down and walked to the treadmills. Seokmin and Joshua exchanged worried glances.


Joshua was leaning against the wall, watching Seokmin lift weights.

"It's not what you think it is!" Seungcheol shouted after Jeonghan who was marching towards the couple.

"I heard you say I love you to her! what else am I supposed to think it means?!" Jeonghan scoffed, giving Joshua's hat back to him and turning to meet Seungcheol with folded arms.

"You didn't hear the whole thing, stop being a child." Seungcheol raged.

"Child?! Really?" Jeonghan gritted his teeth. "I didn't know you liked cunts."

"For fucks sake, she's thirty nine! I told her I was grateful for her hard work she'd done and I love her for that. You raged when you heard those three damn words!" Seungcheol explained. 

"Oh? Well—I— why did you miss our dates?"

"I had important meetings, and as a sorry I even sent you flowers." Seungcheol answered. Jeonghan went silent. "Is this why you fought with me in your room that day? answer me or it's over. Either way, It's over.

"What?"Jeonghan's eyes widened, his mouth agape.

"Woah woah!" Seokmin stood between them. "I think you guys should talk more about it privately?"

"No...He's right.." Jeonghan mumbled sadly and walked past Seungcheol.

"Jeonghan, wait!" Joshua ran after him.

Seokmin glared at Seungcheol, "What the fuck, bro?" his expression softened when he noticed Seungcheol looked hurt.


tf am i writing 😔

n e ways, so uh k-carats r spoiling each unit's new song's performance on yt PLEASE DO NOT WATCH IT.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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