First Day of School

Start from the beginning

She went up to Mr.Banner's desk and handed her the slip for him to sign. He smiled at her, "You can sit by your brother."

She nodded and skipped over to me, "Where do you sit?"

"We sit back there," I pointed to the vacant desk and she smiled.

She skipped over to the desk and sat on the seat closer to the aisle, I followed.

I put her bag by her chair, and she pulled her sketchbook and textbook out of it. She started to doodle in her sketchbook. Flowers, birds, butterflies, and such. I smiled, she's so innocent.

She put it back in her bag as Mr.Banner started class, "Alright, pull out your textbooks and turn to page 358."

Class went by slowly and I just watched Bella. She was just taking notes, looking normal, though she wasn't. I grabbed my phone and texted her.

MusicMan: are you ok?

She looked down at her watch, reading the message. She looked up at me and nodded.

"Isabella, can you tell me the answer to my question?"

She turned bright red, "Umm, it's anaphase, sir." He nodded and the color in her face died down.

I grabbed her hand and lightly squeezed it. She squeezed it back, and surprisingly didn't try to slide her hand out of it.

The bell rang and I was sad, "Goodbye Bella, I'll see you at the end of the day."

She nodded and Mike Newton came up to her, "You have gym with me next, right?"

"Mhm!" she walked out of the class with him and over to the gym. I felt the pencil break in my hand.


After school, I waited by the Volvo for Bella. Everyone else was taking the convertible.

She walked over to me and stumbled into the car. "How was gym?"

She just stared at me, "That bad huh?"

She nodded and slid her backpack down by her legs, "I don't know how you all do it."

I laughed, "Imagine doing that almost everyday for your whole life."

"I feel so bad for you all, I really do," I laughed again, "I'm serious!"

I just laughed as we drove home, when we were there she looked at me, "Eddy?"

"Yes, Bella?" I looked at her curiously.

"You can have your jacket back," she handed it to me and skipped inside.

I sighed, and followed, being greeted by Esme.

She turned to Bella, "Hey, sweetie! How was your first day of public school?"

Bella smiled, "It was amazing, Mom!"

Is she lying Edward? Esme asked.

I nodded and she sighed, "That's great honey!"

She nodded and walked upstairs, Esme looked at me Go help her, but what happened?

"Gym, a girl commented on her wearing a bow, jealous," I told her. Walking up the steps, I knocked on Bella's door, "Can I come in?"

"No," she mumbled.


"Let me finish changing!" she yelled.

"Alright, sorry!"

A minute later the door opened to see my Bella, she was standing in the doorway. She was wearing black sweatpants, slides, and one of the hoodies I gave her when we were dating.

"You look cute in my clothes," I winked and she turned pink.

"What's up?" she asked curiously.

I picked her up and sat on her bed, her in my lap, "I love you Bella."

She buried her head into the crook of my neck, "I love you too, Eddy."

"So, what are we Bella?" I asked. It was hard to tell sometimes.

"Siblings," she mumbled.

I frowned and she giggled, "I'm kidding! Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Eddy?"

She stroked my cheek, and I looked at her, "Maybe, if I was what would you say?"

She looked at me, and said, "I would say yes." She smiled and I smiled back. She stroked my hand and oh my goshhhhh it felt so good!

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Sure, why not!" she kissed me and then we were both kissing on her bed. She mumbled something but I didn't hear. Next thing I know she's just lying there.

"Bella? Oh crap, I literally sto-"

"I'm fine, Eddy!" she giggled. I sighed in relief. She kissed my cheeks and skipped downstairs for dinner.

I love you Isabella Cullen.

With all of my non-beating heart.

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