I Wish It Wasn't Real

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Bella's POV:

I woke up to see Edward laying next to me.

It was all a dream.

I looked around, then saw the ice pack.

Well, if me and Edward aren't "dating" anymore. I can hangout with other guys regularly. Right?

I hopped out of bed and skipped downstairs. "Hi, Mom," I smiled and she smiled back.

"Hi sweetie, how are you this morning?"

"I'm okay, Mom, what about you?"

She sighed, "I'm alright I suppose, here's your breakfast."

I ate the pancakes while I watched everyone leave for work and school.

I ran upstairs and pulled out my phone.

It rang for a minute but then Jake picked up, "Bella?"

"Hi, Jacob."

"Hi! How are you?"

"I'm great, and you?"

"That's wonderful! I'm happy. What's up?"

"Wanna hang later?"

"Of course! Meet you at our spot?"

"Sure! Be there at 4?"


I hung up and sighed. Well, I've known Jacob for two weeks, but he is my only friend. Outside of my family I guess.

I pulled out Wuthering Heights and read until lunch.

I skipped downstairs and saw Kate waiting with my food. "Hello?"

"Hi, Bella! I don't know much about human food, but I do hope you like it!" she smiled and handed me the plate.

I smiled back, "Thank you, Kate." She smiled as I ate and walked away halfway through my meal.

It was a simple turkey sandwich. It was a nice gesture though. Esme probably told her to do it, but it's whatever.

I went back to my room and continued reading until my alarm went off.

I decided to just go out my window this time.

I climbed out the window and was as low on the ceiling as possible, then jumped. It was kinda fun.

I was sore for a while, but it was barely noticeable by the time the Volvo pulled up.

They all got out of the car and went with the usual routine.

"Hello, Jasper."

"Good afternoon, Bella."

"Hello, Alice."

"Hi, Bella!"

"Hello, Rosalie."

"Hello, Bella!"

"Hello, Emmett."

"Hey, Bella!"

"Hello, Eddy."

"Hi, Bella."

I walked inside and up to Esme, "I'm going for a run."


"Yeah. It'll be good for me," I smiled weakly.

"Bella, you'll freeze!" she looked at me with the concerned mother face. "Fine, be back by six!"

I nodded, "Okay!"


After about three weeks of seeing Jacob everyday. I was noticeably happier, and the bruises were fading.

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