It's My Birthday! Surprise...

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Bella's POV:

 I turn seventeen today. Yay.

Now, being seventeen did have its perks, like:

I could ask Alice to stop making me wear five outfits a day, we're suffering a water crisis people! The amount of water we use to wash our clothes is crazy!

I could start to date. Not like that mattered, I hadn't really engaged in the outside world very often, and I was homeschooled, so who cares?


I'm getting older, all of my siblings and parents NEVER aged. Like what?

Teenage hormones get even worse.


I went downstairs to find it empty, everyone except Esme was gone.

"Good morning Mom!" I ran and hugged her. She smiled and kissed my head.

"Here, I made you waffles!" she smiled as I began eating, "Bella, I feel like I'm forgetting something important today. Everyone else seems to think I'm crazy except Alice and Rose." she frowned, "I asked Alice if she knew, she said it must've not been very important, because she couldn't see any immediate consequences, so it can't be that important!" she smiled and now I was frowning.

"Must've not been very important then!" I mumbled as I finished my waffles.

"I guess," Esme replied.

"I'm gonna go for a walk now," I smiled weakly and left. 


Edward walked into my room and smiled, I smiled back, trying to hide my disappointment.

I laid down and he laid next to me.

I fell asleep and didn't wake up until noon the next day. I frowned, Edward was probably at school by now.

"Hi Mom," I mumbled as I sat at the dining table.

My other siblings walked in, "Wait why aren't you guys at school?" I asked curiously.

"It's Sunday, Bella?" Jasper looked at me curiously.

"Oh! Sorry, I wasn't thinking," I felt my face flush bright pink, and Emmett boomed with laughter.

He picked me up in a big bear hug, "How's my favorite sixteen year old sis?"

I sighed, "I'm seventeen Emmett."

Esme dropped the glass of milk she was holding, sending glass everywhere. Carlisle dropped his book. Alice and Jasper went silent. Rosalie looked up from her mirror.

Edward was the first to speak, "We missed your birthday?" he looked at me with horror in his eyes.

I shrugged, "It was yesterday, no big deal."

"NO BIG DEAL?" Alice was mad, "I missed the chance to throw you a party!" she whined.

I just shrugged again, "So? I was going to say something, but I didn't want to be rude."

I put my plate in the sink, everyone still frozen in place.  I skipped up the stairs. I'm not mad at them, but I feel bad.

No. I'm not going to apologize, not for no reason. I sighed and went to my bed and pulled out Pride and Prejudice.

I was about a quarter way through when someone knocked on the door, "Come in!" I sighed and set the book down. I sat up to see my adopted siblings staring at me.

Rosalie stepped forward cautiously. I patted the spot next to me, and she walked over to it, but tackled me instead, "Bella! I'm so sorry!"

Alice came next, sitting on the floor beside my bed, "Me too, I didn't realize-"

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