09. small details.

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over the next two nights of the fanmeeting, jung-seok was happy talking to the staff and members backstage. it was a better job than he expected.

him and the members got to know each other better, about their favourite things, mtbi, funny moments.

it was the last night of the fanmeet, and jung-seok decided to watch the team from afar, in the wings. he was hidden, but he could still see the members.

they were performing 'hall of fame', a personal favourite of jung-seok's. he watched their dance moves with his arm crossed while chan's voice echoed through the stadium.

the cheers from the fans were almost overwhelming, imagine being this loved.

his eyes locked onto seungmin, who was now singing and the center of attention. jung-seok didn't lie, he had an amazing voice.

even from afar, jung-seok could see the cute way seungmin held his microphone. instead of grasping his whole hands around it, he held it with the tips of his fingers, which jung-seok found adorable.

for most of the show he couldn't pull his attention off of seungmin, for some reason. his eyes were locked on his face and dance moves for the majority of the show.

the members moved backstage for a quick change, jung-seok helping out once again like the two previous nights. he patted away han and hyunjin's sweat, and gave chan some water to drink. all of them were tired, but still determined to finish the last act.

jung-seok approached seungmin and handed him a water bottle, getting a nod back.

"you guys are doing great, just a few more songs." he said, patting seungmin's shoulder. he himself was also a bit tired, running all over the backstage areas, to the dressing room, quick changes, bathroom.

"hey, jung-seok," seungmin said, making jung-seok spin around and face him. "can you tell the sound manager to turn my mic up a bit?"

he didn't know why, but the little eye contact they had made his face heat up everytime. even a small request made jung-seok's brain falter for a split second.

the two made eye contact for a moment before jung-seok snapped out of it, and replied. "yup, no problem."

before the situation got more awkward, he quickly bowed his head and left the room to the sound management room. seungmin was left standing there in the middle of the chaos of the dressing room, holding his bottle of water.

maybe i'm not the only one acting weird here.

"wooh! show's over!"

once the members appeared backstage again, jung-seok was smiling widely and waiting for them in the dressing room.

"you guys did so well. three shows, man." he laughed. the group stood in a circle, and the cheers from the fans could still be subtly heard.

"thanks to you our shows were way easier to manage." hyunjin smiled.

jung-seok raised his eyebrows. "wanna have another celebration?"

the members cheered, making jung-seok laugh. it didn't feel like he was just their assistant anymore, but friends. friends.

"should we just chill at our dorm? i'm too tired to go out." chan sighed jokingly.

𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞, k. seungminWhere stories live. Discover now