04. first day - pt 2.

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shock hit jung-seok again as jeongin offered to introduce him to the other members.

"actually?" his eyebrows were raised and his mouth hung open.

"yeah!" jeongin smiled widely, showing all his teeth. "i'm pretty sure they're all in one of the dance practice rooms. we were supposed to meet for a big practice session for our next comeback. they're probably wondering why i'm not there..."

he rubbed the back of his head before speaking again. "let's go! you can meet the rest of them. chan-hyung and seungmin-hyung should be back by now."

jeongin sprinted forward, waving an arm at jung-seok for him to follow.

jung-seok ran after him, not believing this was actually happening, and that he was actually going to meet stray kids. the rest of them.

soon they arrived in a long and wide hallway full of doors and paintings. the walls were black and the ceilings were lined with lights.

jeongin took the lead and walked down to the third door on the right, a red one with a gold doorknob. "this is our biggest practice room. we need a large one for our comeback."

jung-seok stood there listening to him talk, waiting for him to open the door.

jeongin slowly twisted the doorknob, and opened the door slightly. he peeked his head through, and jung-seok could hear him whispering. a few voices spoke back, loud enough for him to hear.

jeongin turned around and smiled at jung-seok. "come in." he opened the door fully and walked into the room, jung-seok feeling a bit awkward but followed him nonetheless.

the rest of the stray kids were sitting either on the floor or on the red couch. jung-seok could see hyunjin sitting on the floor and leaning back, arms supporting his body. he flashed a smile at him, waving with one arm.

the group looked at jeongin who walked in first. "why are you late? even felix is earlier than you." a muscular guy with glasses on exclaimed.

that's... changbin? must be. nothing compares with those biceps.

"ah, i was showing our new assistant around." jeongin replied.

the group's attention immediately directed to the boy standing behind jeongin.

"who's that? is that him?" changbin said in a softer tone.

jung-seok nodded shyly. "hello." he looked down.

changbin smiled. "hello."

jeongin giggled before patting jung-seok on the shoulder, making him step forward. "i think you're scaring him."

changbin rolled his eyes at the youngest comment.

another voice spoke up, this time coming from someone sitting on the couch.

"come sit down. our manager has told us a lot about you." the guy smiled. the guy's smile had a sense of welcoming and warmth, something that made jung-seok feel calmer.

𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞, k. seungminWhere stories live. Discover now