Chapter 2

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As the morning sun cast long shadows across the schoolyard, Miss Circle, with her towering figure and spiky hair, stood at the front of the classroom, her eyes scanning the sea of faces before her. Today was different. Today, the air hung heavy with suspicion, and questions danced like shadows on the walls.

"Miss Circle," a voice piped up from the back of the room, "can you explain the Pythagorean theorem again?"

Miss Circle's gaze flickered towards the source of the question. She paused, her lips curling into a thin smile. "Ah, the Pythagorean theorem," she mused, her voice carrying an almost ethereal quality. "A fundamental principle of geometry, isn't it? But perhaps, there are more pressing matters at hand than ancient theorems."

The students exchanged glances, unsure of how to interpret their math teacher's cryptic response.

Another voice chimed in, this time from the middle row. "Miss Circle, why did Abbie fail the last test? I thought he was doing well."

Miss Circle's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "Ah, Abbie," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "A bright student, indeed. But sometimes, even the brightest stars falter in the night sky."

Meanwhile, in the school hallway, Detective Kaii strolled past rows of lockers, his gaze sharp and observant. As he turned the corner, he spotted Miss Circle standing by her classroom door, Oliver and Zip by her side.

"Miss Circle, Oliver, Zip," Kaii called out, stepping closer, "mind if I ask you a few more questions?"

Miss Circle turned to face him, her posture poised and composed. "Of course, Detective Kaii," she replied, her voice betraying nothing. "Ask away."

Kaii fixed them with a steady gaze. "Did any of you have any interaction with Abbie on the day she disappeared?"

Oliver shrugged nonchalantly. "Can't say I did. She kept to herself most of the time."

Zip nodded in agreement. "Yeah, same here. Didn't really talk to her much."

Kaii's eyes narrowed slightly, noting their dismissive attitudes towards Abbie. "And where were each of you during the time when Abbie went missing?"

Miss Circle spoke first, her tone calm and measured. "As I mentioned before, I was attending to my duties as a teacher."

Oliver followed suit. "I was in class, paying attention, of course."

Zip chimed in last. "I was with Oliver in class, doing what we always do."

As Kaii listened to their responses, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of his mind. Something didn't quite add up, but he needed more evidence to piece together the puzzle.

Meanwhile, in the classroom, the other students watched with wide eyes, their curiosity piqued by the detective's interrogation. They whispered among themselves, wondering what secrets lay hidden beneath the surface of their seemingly ordinary school day.

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