Chapter 1

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Detective Kaii stood at the threshold of the Fundamental Paper Education school, the morning sun casting long shadows across the courtyard. His sharp eyes scanned the bustling campus, taking note of the students bustling about, their laughter and chatter echoing in the air. But beneath the veneer of normalcy, Kaii sensed the lingering presence of something sinister, a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

Beside him stood his sister, Teje, a beacon of calm amidst the chaos. As a teacher at the school, she moved with the easy grace of someone who belonged, her warm smile belying the gravity of their mission.

"Ready to dive into another case, Kaii?" Teje's voice broke through the silence, pulling Kaii from his reverie.

Kaii nodded, his jaw set with determination. "Let's get to the bottom of this, Teje. Someone's life depends on it."

Together, they ventured into the heart of the school, the cool breeze tousling their hair as they passed rows of neatly trimmed bushes and flower beds. The scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the faint aroma of chalk and textbooks, creating an atmosphere that was both comforting and foreboding.

Their destination loomed ahead: the office of Miss Grace, a stern figure known for her unwavering dedication to order and discipline. Kaii's instincts told him that beneath Miss Grace's facade of authority lay the key to unlocking the truth.

As they entered the office, Kaii and Teje were met with the cool gaze of Miss Grace, her steel-blue eyes betraying a hint of wariness. Behind her desk, stacks of paperwork loomed like silent sentinels, a testament to the relentless demands of school administration.

"Detective Kaii, what brings you to our humble school?" Miss Grace's voice held a note of skepticism, but Kaii detected a flicker of unease beneath the surface.

"We're here to investigate the murder of one of your students, Miss Grace," Kaii replied, his tone unwavering. "An 18-year-old, found dead under mysterious circumstances."

Miss Grace's mask of composure faltered for a moment before she regained her poise. "I assure you, Detective, we take the safety of our students very seriously. I'll do everything in my power to assist with your investigation."

As they delved into the details of the case, Kaii's attention was drawn to another figure lingering in the office: Miss Circle, the math teacher. Taller than Kaii, with spiky, long hair and a mysterious compass in place of her left hand, she exuded an aura of intrigue.

Kaii couldn't shake the feeling that Miss Circle held secrets of her own, and he made a mental note to keep a close eye on her. Could she be connected to the murder in some way? Only time would tell.

With the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place, Kaii knew that unraveling the mystery would require all of his skill and determination. And as he gazed out into the schoolyard, the weight of the unknown pressing upon him, he vowed to pursue the truth, no matter where it led.

(I feel like i'm AI cause this is actually good💀🙏)

(Hope you like it!)

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