My High School (embarrassing)

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So I was in 6th grade back then, 12 years old. I had a best friend at that time, let's call her Tina.

The incident was off "The yearly cultural and sports competition". I've been learning music and dance since I was really young. So of course, I participated in those.

The event was held in the school auditorium. Usually during school events, the classes were canceled. But for some reason, the school authority decided to continue the classes aside the competition being held in just a minute away distance with loud music.

That day, Tina also for the first time participated in a competition, poem recitation. And as excited as she was, I was too.

As I participated in dancing so I had to come dressed with traditional clothes while she came in school uniform and brought her bag.

Once we both sat inside the auditorium, the assembly started and she told me she would be back after she put her bag in her class and I let her go, which I definitely regretted later.

The competition started. Everything went on and on and it's now been more than two hours since she said she'd come back and the poem recitation competition had already started. When I realised she was the next to go, I came out and tried to run to the assembly section.

I was in heels and saree, so what happened? I think you can guess. I was looking at the front and when I saw that the assembly was already done, I was shocked and lost control. I didn't look at the bump that was on the part in front and fell, in front of all the teachers and even worse, my crush.

My crush was laughing at me at first but then he came forward and asked if I was okay. The teachers helped me up, and I had to pretend I was okay, smiling as if nothing happened.

And slowly I started walking, not being able to run anymore and lumping to the class and realised Tina was there gossipping with her other friends not even caring about her competition.

I dragged her to the auditorium, telling her what happened and somehow managed to walk to the auditorium, balancing on her shoulder. My dad was there to watch my competition as well.

I went home and ended up getting both of ankles sprained and both of my knees teared apart. I still have those scars on my knees. I didn't go to school for a week after that. And was too scared to even come close to my crush then because I was very embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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