The Woman (horror)

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True story I experienced:

It is a story of probably when I was in primary/elementary school. And I still haven't gotten any any explanation for that.
I was around 11 years old.

One day, I was sleeping in my bed. It was around 2 in the morning when I felt something hard stuck in my throat causing me to wake up.

I got up still feeling a big lump in my throat while I was just fine the other day. I walked inside my bedroom finally deciding to go drink some water to freshen it up.

Our house was weirdly designed at that time, it still is. The entry gate of our house is right next to the kitchen. So when you enter the house the first thing you see is a big space full of benches where my dad and mom teaches students and in one corner, is the kitchen. Then there comes a giant green steel door.

Cross the door and there's another study space for the students along with a bathroom on one side. Go more further and you'll see three little stairs and another plastic yellow door leading you to our, me and my sister's bedroom. Yes, a very weird structure.

Our family didn't usually wake up in the middle of the night for water much. So there wasn't water in our room.

So to drink water, I'd have to go all the way to the kitchen next to the entry gate. I did exactly that. I started walking towards the kitchen opening all the doors one by one, still sleep in my eyes and turning the lights on, trying not to wake anyone up including my sister who was sleeping right next to me on the bed.

I opened the kitchen door, bringing some water and started drinking it standing right next to the entry gate.

While drinking, I stared at my formed shadow from the light of the room. That's when I got a big shock.

So there was only me in the family awake, alone. But when I looked around for a few seconds I noticed something that left me shocked till now.

I looked next to me and saw another long shadow, at least double the size of the shadow of me, of a woman with a very creepy smile and a large dog in hand. The shadow was taking all over the room.

I rubbed my eyes thinking it was a dream but nothing changed. And I did what anyone else would have done. I couldn't scream as it would wake everyone up and I'll get scolded so I ran. I ran to my room as quick as I could, locking all the doors and going back as fast as I could.

That night, I couldn't go back to sleep. I was awake the whole night and even told the story to my sister the next day but as expected, no one believed me.

I still don't know if that actually happened then or it was just a dream but I desperately want to tell myself that it's a dream.

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