Chapter 8- Hogsmeade

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Dumbledore was as useless as one can get. But he was her only hope.

Days turned into weeks; she was exhausted. The pressure for OWL'S was getting to her and the first month wasn't even over. She only had one thing to look forward to, Hogsmeade. It was just supposed to be her and Fred, but she didn't want him to think it was a date. So, she invited everyone. Fred wasn't too happy about that but tagged along regardless.

"Blimey Ron. That butterbeer isn't going anywhere. At least take a breath before inhaling it all". Harry suggested.

"Sorry," he choked.

"So, how's quidditch going?" Athena asked.

"Brilliant. We practiced a lot this summer. Can't wait to see Malfoy's bow truckled face when we beat Slytherin next week." George snickered.

"You'll be watching won't you Athena?" Fred looked at her intently.

"Of Course. Wouldn't miss it".

She loved her little group of friends. All her worries faded away for a while. They spoke about everyone and everything. There was no jealousy, lies, or hatred. Just pure love and friendship. She yearned for that all the time and cherished it whenever she could.

"Alright. I'm done" Athena put her glass down and burped quietly.

"If I have 1 more butterbeer, on Merlin I will pass out," she hiccupped.

"Don't worry. I'll carry you". Fred smirked as he put his hand around her chair.

"And what if I throw up?"

"Yeah, never mind," he said as he removed his hand from the chair.

"Heyy" she threw a napkin at him and laughed.

They laughed for hours on end till it was time for them to retreat to their dorms.

"I had fun" Fred smiled.

"As did I"

They were walking back to their common rooms. Athena drunk and Fred, also drunk. The others were walking ahead of them, drunk as well.

"I've missed you" Fred looked at her with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Oh no. not now. She was drunk but maintained a portion of her sanity in case something like this came up. She didn't want him to think she was interested in him again. She wasn't. Not when-

Okay no he wasn't the reason. Was he?

"Fred I-" She couldn't finish.

He kissed her. Softly. It was just a peck.

Well, it would've been more if they weren't interrupted.

"Sinclair, Weasley"


"Sup Professor" Fred grinned.

"5 points from Gryffindor for your lack of propriety. This is a school, not a prostitution center".

Seriously? Does he even know what prostitutes are?

Athena smiled at that thought.

"Go back to your dormitory Weasley. I will escort Ms. Sinclair to hers".

"No thanks," she snapped back.

"I don't remember asking".

Fred looked at her with concern. She sighed and ushered him to go on and that she'd be fine.

She followed Snape in silence. He kept looking back to see if she was walking behind him.

"I wanted to apologize. For everything".

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