Chapter 1- Thoughts

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As Athena found herself entering her sixth year at Hogwarts, her life appeared almost perfect. Despite being parentless, she inherited a vast fortune passed down through generations. She had friends but yearned for a sense of family. An immensely skillful witch, her magic felt strong, heated, and secure. She won most duels without even trying much, perfected her wandless magic, and aced all her exams. She didn't know if this skill was learned or naturally gifted. She didn't know a lot of things really. However, her gifts and talents did not go unnoticed by professors at Hogwarts. They knew she was special but didn't know why. Or did they? She didn't know that either.

However, the mystery surrounding her power remained. Athena, with her inquisitive nature, sharp wit, and empathetic demeanor, possessed a striking appearance—brown hair streaked with subtle blonde, brown eyes, and an olive complexion. But amidst her achievements and external allure, a haunting question consumed her thoughts: Where was her family?

Well, no one knows. Her wealth indicated that she was from a pureblood or at least a half-blood lineage. Her parents were never around, not even as a baby. She didn't know her parents at all. She was brought up at the Sinclair Manor.


Her surname. Which she reckons is also fake, just like her manor that was, according to her understanding, solely built for her. It was full and empty at the same time, no photos, no books, nothing about her parents. Just a couple of expensive furnishing and materialistic things that she didn't care for, and house elves that were sworn to secrecy.

Dumbledore was no help either. After years of begging for some information about her family, she just accepted it, accepted the fact that they were gone and if they didn't care to raise her, she had no reason to care for them. But that didn't stop her from wanting to unlock the biggest mystery of her life. She no longer sought their presence but craved the truth of her identity.

So here she was, 18 years later, alongside Harry, Ron, and Hermione, sitting in the train compartment, admiring the silence, getting lost in the mist outside, thinking how and why she had it so easy. Harry was being chased by a bald man with no nose, Ron was not financially stable and was mostly, neglected, and Hermione was a muggle-born which is a curse enough when you have families like the Malfoy's existing in the same timeline as you. Regardless, they went through so much together, she loved them, and they were her family.

But what was different about this particular train ride was that it wasn't just the four of them. An older man was sitting in the same compartment with a robe over his head, asleep. Hermione was quick to let everyone know that he was probably their new DADA teacher. Professor R.J Lupin. She wondered what the R and the J could possibly stand for. Ray? James? Jade? Roland? It occupied her mind for most of the ride up until the train came to a sudden halt. 

A.N: Short chapters initially but it will get better, i promise. 

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