Chapter 5- Stolen glances

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Athena made sure to stay clear of her DADA professor's way.

That lasted for about 2 days. She had class with him at the end of the day. She was dreading it and even considered Pomphrey. But she knew she couldn't go twice a week with the same excuse. She didn't even know why she felt this way. There wasn't anything going on between them. She was his student, and he was her teacher. But she had never felt this way about Snape. Or, if she were to pick a less complicated person, she never felt this way about McGonagall.

Okay ew, that's worse.

What feeling? There is no feeling. She told herself.

Then what is the problem? She argued in her mind.

"Everything alright?"

She looked up. It was Fred. Ron's older brother. She had a huge crush on him when she was young, and they even dated for a couple of months last year. Unfortunately, Athena knew that it was nothing more than a silly crush and ended it on good terms before things got awkward. Regardless, she loved and adored him immensely. He was one of her best friends.

"Yepp, why?"

"You know, you haven't touched your food... you were just kind of staring at it..."

"Oh, uh I was just- "

"-thinking" he replied.

She smiled.

"Well, I wouldn't want to interrupt your most skilled attribute".

"You know I can take you down in a second, right? Without my wand" she clapped back.

"I know" He smiled.

He sat in front of her at the breakfast table and fell into deep conversation about the pranks he's prepared for Halloween.

"That's bloody brilliant Fred! I can't wait to see Snape's face when he sits on the fart machine or when Flitwick takes off with the helium balloons... in his sleep".

She was laughing. Little did she know someone from a distance was admiring her. The way her hair fell on her face and the sun made her skin glow and even more so when she's laughing her heart out. The way she would twitch her nose and purse her lips when she'd get nervous or angry. She had a wealth of expressions, and the funniest bit was that she didn't even realize she was making them.

Athena felt eyes on her once more. She felt it in her chest. She looked around. It couldn't be. But she was right, by the door of the Great Hall, she saw him, for a fleeting second. It would go unnoticed by the normal eye, oh but not Athena's. She noticed everything.

"Hello? Earth to Athena?" Fred said snapping his fingers twice.

"Sorry. Listen, I've got Charms in 10 minutes. How about we go to Three Broomsticks this weekend? It'll be fun. Just like old times"

"Looking forward to it" Fred replied as he got up. He placed a small kiss on her forehead and walked towards George, his twin, who was talking to a Hufflepuff girl.


Not wanting to think about anything at all, she walked towards her charms class.

And then herbology.

And then potions.

Snape ignored her for most of the class but as she had expected, he called out to her towards the end.

"Ms. Sinclair, if you'd like to daydream, I suggest you'd perform it outside my class".

She rolled her eyes.

"Pay attention. I have no problem in extending today's detentions to three days".

Shit. She had forgotten all about it. Her snarky comments did have consequences. She almost regretted talking back to him but got rid of that feeling when she recalled his dumbfounded face.

Fortunately, being lost in her head had its advantages. Potions was over before she knew it and she practically sprinted out of class to the common room with her friends.

"You've been awfully quiet Athena. Everything alright?" Harry asked after a moment of silence.

"It's good. At least she's not behind my arse" Ron spat.

"Why don't you keep enjoying your bag of crisps, Ronald".

He smiled with a mouthful.

"I'm fine Harry. Just a long day"

"Athena! Get up! We're late for defence". cried Hermione.

"Why aren't you telling them?" Athena pointed towards the boys.

"We've got quidditch practice" replied Ron.

"And you've asked Lupin?"

"Yeah, he didn't mind at all".

Of Course he didn't.

"Well, then he wouldn't mind if I went to watch you guys... play?"

Hermione dragged her out. 

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