Chapter Two - Call a Friend? [Liquid Smooth and Indie Flow]

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It had been a few days since Spiral had fucked and claimed Cherry. During those days, he would come over to visit her, maybe a quick fuck or two, and then reinforce her training more. However, today was a day like no other, as this was the time that the stallion would claim yet another innocent mare into his harem.

Two days prior, Spiral had access to Cherry's phone, in which he made sure she only called over mares instead of stallions over to her place so that he could claim them. One of those mares just so happened to be an acquaintance of hers, a mare named Smooth Liquid. She was a white furred mare with a curly light cyan mane. She was gonna be the next victim to take, and thanks to Cherry, he had the element of surprise.

It was around afternoon when Liquid had arrived at Cherry's home, smiling innocently as she knocked on the door before entering, "Hi Cherry! Sorry I'm late, I had to do some-...thing?"

It was odd. Cherry wasn't there to greet her. Instead, Spiral was there, sitting on what would be the redhead mare's normal spot. This concerned her, and causes her to try and acknowledge him.

"Uhm," she started, "you're not Cherry."

Spiral turned around and looked over at Liquid. Oh how naive she was, realizing that she was already doomed from the start. The stallion slowly got off the couch and trotted towards the mare.

"Of course I'm not," he joked, looking down at her, "I'm your new master. Remember?"

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, his horn glowed bright red once more, as he slowly casts the spell onto Liquid. On the other hand, the mare herself was confused, having no idea what was happening. She had no clue who this stallion, and why was he there-

"Wait, what do you mean-" She was about to speak, but suddenly her eyes had shrunken and yet a familiar blank expression was on her face once more. Her mouth was left agape as she stood there, unaware of what was about to happen to her soon.

"He is your master. You are his slave." The voice had whispered into Liquid's ear, sparking her memory and fabricating such a thought into the poor mare's conscious mind. It all happened so fast, which helped the trance sink in deeper. Without a second thought, she blankly accepted this information like it was what she knew all along.

"Yes master...I remember..." She droned out, which gave Spiral the amusement he needed.

"And what do slaves do?" He'd ask back, letting Liquid's mind crumble and figure out what he wanted.

"Slaves obey their masters. Slaves please their masters. Slaves get wet for their masters. Slaves are master's breeding vessels." The voice whispered into Liquid's ears, in which she easily picked it up and blindly replied, echoing the exact words back to him.

"Slaves obey their masters...slaves please their masters....slaves get wet for their masters....slavers are master's breeding vessels..." Liquid stated, as she then felt a wet sensation near her ass, and the commands that Spiral had given to her initially, already became true.

She was wet, her lips were dripping already from the feeling. Liquid's blush brew brighter and her arousal had already spiked from the thought of her new life as Spiral's slave.

"Good slave. Why don't we begin your training, hm?" Spiral offered, as he then got off the couch and guided Liquid to the kitchen.

"Training....yes...I need training..." Liquid mumbled, as she followed along with the stallion to the kitchen.

In there, there was a strange apron on the countertop, as if it was there for Liquid to put on. The mare didn't do anything as she needed to listen to Spiral's words and see if she was required to put that alluring outfit on.

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