Caspian Decides To Be The Fucking Bane Of My Existence Yet Again!

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"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry sir!" I said, scrambling to get up. However, before I could get up, I felt Isla fall onto my back, knocking me back down to the ground. 

"Sorry, Cy!" Isla said sheepishly.

"It's alright, Ils! We gotta work on your aim though, because right now, it feels like there is a rhinoceros on my back!"

I felt her look down on me with an offended look as she got off of me. "My weight is at most a Cockapoo!"

Caspian walked out from behind us, the portal closing behind him, chuckling to himself.

"Cockapoo." he muttered to himself, which made me roll my eyes at his immaturity.

The man cleared his throat and motioned towards the students. "If you three could kindly make your way to a table so I can start class, that would be great."

It was at that moment when my head finally cleared so I could get a better view of the area. I was in a clearing in the forest where there were 6 picnic benches lined up in two vertical rows. There was a giant table in the front of the setup, with a blackboard that looked a bit too well-loved (and by that, I mean chalk dust everywhere).

I quickly scrambled off to go sit in the middle picnic bench to sit next to Isla and across from two other kids while Caspian went off to go sit with his friends in the bench behind our table, sitting right behind me. Oh well. As long as he doesn't piss me off further, I can tolerate his presence. 

"Ok, everyone! Welcome to Environmental Sciences, where you will learn to use only your powers and your knowledge of the environment around us to survive in the wilderness! Get ready for some fun in nature! It's going to be quite a treet, or so I hear!" Professor Nimblestick stated dramatically, waving his hands with a dramatic flourish.

A majority of the students in our class groaned at his sad pun, but Isla politely clapped and giggled to make the professor feel better. 

Nimblestick looked at Isla with happy tears in his eyes and smiled gratefully at her before he turned back to the rest of his class. 

"Anyway, today we will be helping a few friends of mine." he clapped his hands twice, and three fairies flew down. 

"These guys just lost their house to the storm that happened here last night. They have asked me if I knew someone who could make a new house for them, which is preferably more durable than the last one. So I thought, who else would be more capable for making a fairy house than my first hour Environmental Sciences Class?!"

I exchanged glances with Isla. This guy was not very subtle at hiding his favorites.

"Anyways, I have set an ample amount of supplies to get started on making the houses," he snapped his fingers and the materials appeared,"so treat this like a mini competition and get building! This will be due by the end of next week." And at that, he immediately plopped down onto his chair behind the table in front of the "room" and started reading a book.

"Alright, let's do this! First off, allow me to introduce myself! Hi, I'm Adhira Stormrider!" the girl said, extremely hyper for it being about 7:45 in the morning. 

She wore a black flowy  shirt paired with a mustard yellow capris with black sandals. She had a really pretty golden chain paired with matching studs. She had midnight black hair that went down her back, with golden brown skin, full lips, and big yellow-brown eyes that seemed to have a spark to them. 

"This grumpy fellow over here is my boyfriend, Perun Boltstrider!" She said, slinging an arm over the boy sitting next to her. He was the epitome of a stereotypical grumpy teenager with stormy bronze eyes, messy black hair, tan skin, and a permanent scowl etched into his face. He wore a golden hoodie with black pants and brown shoes.

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