Money Now Questions Later

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(Y/n) walks into the club nervously and asks for the manager.
The said man walks over and crosses his arms. "What can I do for you little lady?"
"Do you um...have paying customers looking for...bigger girls?" The woman trails off a couple times, looking around the establishment.
The man looks around then back at the (h/c). "Are you sure you could handle this kind of work? My girls are usually druggies or down-on-their-lucks. Although they have confidence and know what they're doing. You seem like a decent girl. What brings you here?"
"I need a lot of money and I need it quick. I have a few personal issues that have put me out of work."
"And you think this will work out?"
"Sir I know I'm not skinny or beautiful but-"
"You don't have to be. I know plenty of people looking for your type. I just wanna make sure you know what you're getting into."
"I stayed up all night thinking about this. Please sir, just give me a chance. And if it doesn't work out I'll leave."
"Fine. Can you start tomorrow?"

(Y/n) takes a deep breath as she looks at herself in the mirror.
"Girly you look fine. Put on a smile and they'll never know." One of the girls suggest and pats her shoulder.
"Yeah. Boss man says there will be a few people in the crowd specifically for you. Give them a show and they'll be throwing their life savings at ya." Another adds and smirks.
(Y/n) nods and smiles. "I'll do my best."
"Just like we rehearsed." The senior girl claps her hands and the girls finish getting ready then head out.

(Y/n) listens to the music and begins.
The crowd goes wild for the girls, calling specific names.
A couple call (Y/n)'s name and she blushes but puts on a show.
She winks, blows kisses and teases her fans.
Although she is extremely self-conscious about her jiggle she does her best to ignore it.
Fake it till you believe it.
By the end of the night she has more than she thought she would.
The boss man was proud of her and more than shocked. "I didn't think you had it in you princess."
(Y/n) squeezes her robe closed and arms around herself. "Sir do I really get to keep all this?"
"Of course. You earned it. The establishment gets money from entrance fees and drinks or other expenses."

The woman smiles and nods slightly, unable to look in his eyes. "Am I able to keep working here?"
"Sure. But you have to answer one question."
(Y/n) looks into his eyes. "What is it?"
"Why do you need the money?"
"I can't tell you that right now. I will...but not yet."
He looks at her confused but sighs and nods. "Fine. You don't got a partner who'll be jealous or anything right?"
"Good. I don't need any angry people barging in and fucking my shit up."
Unfortunately he spoke too soon.

Bakugou growls as he follows a villain. "Come back here!" He yells, hands sparking.
The villain weaves in and out of alleys and traffic, shifting into different people and things.
Bakugou almost loses him but manages to follow him into a club.
(Y/n) is almost naked on stage when she sees the hero.
Bakugou looks around and finally sees (Y/n).
His eyes widen and he stops in his tracks.
The boss man looks at the woman concerned due to her not moving and keeping eye contact with the blonde who had burst into his establishment.
"Teddy bear?" Katsuki whispers softly.

"Sir I need you to leave." The boss walks over to the hero.
"What are you doing at a place like this?"
"Shut the fuck up old man. What did you do to her?"
"I haven't done anything to her. Who are you?"
"I'm her brother!"
The boss's eyes widen slightly and he looks at the girl.
Although he finds her missing.
"She can't be in a place like this."
"She's an adult and she begged me for this job. She's clean if that's what you're worried about."
"Why is she here dammit?"
"She said she needed money fast and she couldn't find work elsewhere."

Bakugou frowns and curses under his breath.
"Do you know why she needs the money?"
"She's dying. Doctors told her a treatment would cost an arm and a leg. Fuck!"
"Wait she's dying?"
"Yeah. I told her she needed to stay home and rest but of course she's stubborn and doesn't listen."
"She's so lively on stage. I would never be able to tell she's dying."
"I'm taking her home. Sorry in advance for the money it'll cost ya. Where can I find her?"
"She's probably in the back."

Bakugou goes to the back and finds the girl crying in a large, comfy chair.
(Y/n) looks at him but quickly buries her face back into her knees.
"What were you thinking?!" He scolds, walking over quickly and grabs her arms.
She looks into his eyes and continues crying.
"Teddy bear calm down and stop crying." He looks around and grabs a tissue box. He grabs a few and squeezes her nose.
She blows her nose and he wipes her eyes.
"You can't stay here. You need to be resting. The old man freaked when he found your apartment empty."

"I need money and my body isn't an issue here. It's only my fourth day but I've been having a fun time.  I don't feel like I'm dying."
"But you are!"
"I have money now. I can afford the treatment."
"Teddy bear the treatment is bogus. That doctor is a quack. You are dying and there is no stopping it."
Tears blur his vision and his voice cracks.
His grip on her shoulders tighten and he starts crying into her.
"Katsu," she whispers.
"I'm losing you and I can't do anything about it. But I can't see you selling yourself."
"I don't want to die." (Y/n) whispers weakly.
"I don't either!" He yells and looks into her eyes quickly.

(Y/n) grips his shirt tightly.
"I need you to come home. I need to be with you."
"But the money-"
"Fuck the money. We don't need it. I make plenty of money. Dad and the old hag have money too."
"Katsu I'm scared."
"I'm so fucking scared teddy bear. I don't want to lose you. And knowing I can't stop it makes me so angry and helpless."
"Will you stay with me till the end."
"Of fucking course I will."
"What about your hero work?"
"I'm taking a break for a while. I already talked to my sidekicks. I'll be doing paperwork at home."

Bakugou holds his sister close and kisses her forehead.
"I'm ready to go home." She whispers weakly.
He pulls away and nods.
She changes into her street clothes, putting her money in her purse.
When the two walk out the boss man crosses his arms.
(Y/n) hugs him tightly. "Thank you so much. I'm sorry for being a burden."
"Take this and go." He hands Katsuki a thick envelope then walks away.
The hero looks inside and sighs, putting it in her purse.

The two go home and first he makes her shower.
(Y/n) puts on pjs and walks to her brother's room.
Katsuki looks up and opens his arms.
She crawls into his bed and curls into him.
"I love you," he whispers. He leans down and kisses her head.
"I love you too." She whispers back.
"I'll text dad tomorrow about you being back so expect a visit from them."
"Are you going to tell them where I was?"
"No. The old hag would get angry and dad would be devastated."
"Thank you."
"Rest teddy bear. I'm right here."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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