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"Switching lives felt easy to imagine, a comfortable escape, but what could I be possibly missing; because surely not everything is always as it seems...?"

Trudging past the cold pavement she looked at her watch as if being late bothered her in the slightest. Rolling her eyes, she shoved her arm back into the pocket of a coat which was 3 sizes too small; (shed never go out of her way to get a better fitting one, how could she let go of the last symbol she owned of her long gone childhood days?)

Getting to school on time was rarely ever her first priority and she would much rather take a slow walk along the road, with her phone blasting its volume into damaged earphones, as she wondered why she was still here.

Nothing could get her attention, apart from one thing and one thing only. The neighbours daughter. Around the same age as her, but living a drastically opposite life. This particular morning it was almost as if she had hung the sun above her head and the girl watching her attentively had been cursed with a furious stalking storm cloud.

She walked with a chirp in her step and slammed the door as she shouted "bye mum I'll see you later!". Her eyes followed her every move like a hawk as she skipped down her garden and clicked the tall front gate shut.

Envy and anger were two incredibly familiar evils which ran through her veins. They were almost like her food and water, she underestimated how often she felt these emotions boil her blood and burn up her insides.

With every waking second and every passing breath these emotions managed to shine through, they had made a comfortable home in her cold haunted heart. So many nights she had fallen asleep dreaming of having the opposite life, if only she could... have her life.

Could she possibly somehow,

Replace her? What if she...? No. She couldnt bear the thought of replacing her with herself and shuddered at the slight consideration of it. She couldnt possibly even fantasize about it, as twisted and dark as she was... Or could she?

She had heard whispers of those around her claiming she was her "less successful" body double...

My Friend: EnvyWhere stories live. Discover now