Beginning: Death of the Villainess

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Note: New story idea that I want to get out. Continue?

The courtyard of the palace was draped in eerie silence, broken only by the muffled whispers of the crowd gathered to witness the impending execution. At the center of the courtyard, stood a surprising figure.

A beautiful young girl with disheveled raven locks, tired green eyes, deathly pale skin, and wearing a dirty and tattered white dress.

Her hands are bound but her head is held high despite the weight of her impending fate.

She is Ravenna Rosehart, 18 year old daughter of the esteemed Duke Rosehart.

The 20 year old Prince Arlin Valeris, with the characteristic blonde hair and blue eyes of royalty stood at the head of the crowd, his countenance stern and unyielding. His eyes fixed on Ravenna with a mixture of fury and hatred. Standing beside him is the Saintess 17 year old Elara Lovewood, with her lovely brown curls and amber eyes. She look towards Ravenna with an expression of sorrow and pity.

Ravenna, once a beloved member of the court, now stood condemned for her attempt on the life of the Saintess. Whispers of betrayal and treachery filled the air as the crowd awaited the final act of justice.

The executioner stood poised beside the guillotine. With a practiced hand, he signaled to the guards, and Ravenna was led forward to face her fate.

As she climbed the steps to the platform, Ravenna's gaze swept the crowd, lingering on the faces she once knew-friends and family. But their eyes held no sympathy, no remorse for the girl who dared to defy the will of the Prince and threaten the life of the Saintess.

Her father look at her with such sharp coldness that it pierced her heart.

Prince Arlin's voice echoed through the courtyard, his words carrying the weight of authority as he addressed the gathered crowd, "Ravenna Rosehart," he proclaimed, his voice steady despite the rage in his heart, "you stand accused of the heinous of crimes by seeking to snuff out the light of our beloved Saintess Elara, and disrupt the harmony of our kingdom."

Ravenna's lips curled into a bitter smile as she met the prince's accusing gaze. "I did what was necessary to protect our kingdom from the false light of the so-called Saintess," she declared in a defiant tone. "Elara's magic is not holy, it is deception. You are all being fooled."

Gasps of disbelief rippled through the crowd of nobles at Ravenna's bold declaration. How can she speak such blasphemy against the Saintess, who was gifted the holy light magic that promise to bring prosperity and peace to the kingdom?

But Prince Arlin's expression remains unchanged as he continue the sentencing. " For your crimes against the crown and Saintess, I hereby condemn you to death by guillotine," he declared, his tone final.

Ravenna's defiance wavered for a moment as the reality of her fate sank in. But then, with a fierce resolve burning in her eyes, she squared her shoulders and met the executioner's gaze.

She was forced to kneel on the platform and stick her head through the hole, the blade of the guillotine fell towards her neck. Ravenna closed her eyes and braced herself for the final blow.

Even towards death, Ravenna refused to have her spirit broken.

After her head fell from her body, the crowds cheered.

The villainess is no more.

Her Daughter Was Mistaken As The Villainess (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now