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The frigid wind sweeping through Balan in late November 1970 was so relentless that it became unbearable. Gusts whipped through the deserted streets, carrying away any semblance of warmth. Residents hurried home, seeking refuge from the biting cold that penetrated to the bone. Trees bowed under the pressure of the wind, their bare branches swaying like specters in the storm. The gray, sunless sky added to the gloomy atmosphere of this icy day.

Fear gripped the hearts of the inhabitants as each day brought its share of dark news: a loved one, a friend, or a neighbor did not wake up. This sinister series of disappearances left the community in a state of dismay and increasing anxiety. Conversations turned to whispers, and gazes filled with suspicion and fear. Every night became a trial, feared for what it might bring. Once lively streets emptied rapidly at dusk, each seeking the safety of their home with the faint hope of escaping the sinister mystery looming over the city.

After midnight, the city inevitably lost one of its precious lives. Sadness and despair seeped deeper into the fabric of the community as each sunset brought its share of mourning and sorrow. Streets filled with solemn, dark silhouettes, marking the silent passage of the multiplying funerals. Each departure left a chasm in the social fabric, a poignant reminder of life's fragility and the threatening shadow looming over the city.

Terror intensified as some families, seized by panic, fled en masse, eager to escape their potential fate as the next victim of this relentless curse. Their exodus left behind empty houses and even emptier streets, bearing witness to the growing grip of fear on the population.

Each departure was a stark reminder of the urgency of the situation and the uncertainty looming over the city's future. Rumors and speculations spread like wildfire, fueling collective panic as no one seemed able to provide a rational explanation for this series of tragedies.

Investigations led nowhere as the gathered evidence seemed inconsistent, like scattered pieces of an impossible puzzle. Authorities faced contradictory testimonies, elusive clues, and leads that seemed to dissolve between their fingers.

Daytime brought frustration and helplessness, reinforcing the feeling of anguish enveloping the city. Investigators struggled to make sense of this series of tragedies, but the truth seemed elusive, hidden in the shadow of uncertainty and fear. Information multiplied and contradicted each time.

The only consistent thread among the testimonies was the mention of a specter taking the form of a child. This entity was described as covered in water and holding a stuffed toy in its hand. This unsettling revelation added a supernatural dimension to the already complex investigation, sowing doubt and terror among investigators and the population.

Descriptions of this ghostly entity were unanimously sinister, evoking an aura of misfortune and desolation. However, even with this information, unraveling the mystery of these disappearances remained an insurmountable challenge, leaving the city prisoner to its darkest fears.

Night brought its share of nightmares as a new corpse was discovered within a family, plunging the city into a renewed state of terror. A member of the Balanese community, drained of blood, without the slightest physical injury or rational explanation.

Horror spread like a deadly shadow, shrouding every home in a veil of despair and mourning. Authorities were powerless against this macabre series of discoveries, while the population lived in constant fear of becoming the next victim.

Dawn only reinforced the sense of despair descending upon the city, as residents wondered how long they could hold out before darkness engulfed them all.

The curse struck indiscriminately, hitting in the most unthinkable places: in the cozy beds of homes, in peaceful gardens, within the very hospital, at the police station supposed to ensure security, even outdoors. Men, women, children, respected religious figures, and city dignitaries were all affected by this sinister contagion.

BLOODY CITY Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon