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The night was fairly calm in the suburb of Balan, despite all the commotion in the community due to Albert's disappearance. The apparent calm contrasted with the inner turmoil of many residents as they grappled with their own thoughts and emotions regarding this troubling event.

It was a beautiful night, and the new moon renewed Henry's maximum energy when a loud cry of distress startled him. This piercing cry shattered the tranquility of the night, plunging him into an instant state of alertness, ready to respond to any emergency situation.

Henry barely opened his eyes, gazing into the dimly lit room, when a second cry jolted him awake. The piercing sound snapped him out of his sleep completely, prompting him to sit up abruptly and hurriedly search for his slippers. He grabbed his woolen shirt to shield himself from the impending winter chill. On tiptoe, Henry checked Anna's room. She was sound asleep. He closed his daughter's bedroom door, and the voices reached him more intensely. The cries and calls for help seemed to be coming from outside, reinforcing his sense of urgency and urging him to hurry to find out what was happening.

Henry rushed to the window and saw people crowded in front of Jeanne's house, Mr. Normil's granddaughter. The chaotic scene confirmed the source of the distress cries and intensified his sense of worry as he prepared to go there to help as much as he could. He hastily opened the door and stepped out with diligence. His footsteps rustled the branches and bent the weeds along the roadside, evidence of his eagerness to join the crowd and discover what was happening outside Jeanne's house.

Arriving a few meters from Mr. Normil's house, Henry noticed that the neighbors were in tears. Women hid their faces in handkerchiefs, while men looked pale and were at a loss for words. The atmosphere was heavy with sadness and anxiety, reflecting the profound impact of the situation on the community.

The vigil service and the peace judge from the neighboring village had already arrived at the scene for observation and legal documentation. Their presence added an official touch to the situation, indicating the seriousness of what had happened and the need for formal intervention.

Henry tactfully inserted himself into the neighbors' conversations to learn their thoughts. The hypotheses varied, ranging from a simple accident to the most sinister. Anecdotes of black magic were brought up, fueling rumors and fears in this already emotionally charged and mysterious atmosphere.

Everyone shared their stories and experiences of witchcraft until two men came out with their report sheets in hand. The neighbors' faces were marked by a combination of anxiety, curiosity, and concern, while their behavior oscillated between nervousness and anticipation.

Simone's body, drained of blood, was still inside, adding a sinister and macabre dimension to the already disturbing scene. Her lifeless absence contrasted with the agitation and excitement of the neighbors outside, reinforcing the horror of the tragedy that had just unfolded. The cries and sobs continued for a long time, and Henry remembered that he had left his daughter alone and that he needed to return home as quickly as possible.

All along the way, Henry couldn't bring himself to see Simone's body lying in the same state as Albert's barely twenty-four hours earlier. The circumstances were too aberrant for it to be a coincidence. A atmosphere of mystery and perplexity prevailed as the neighbors tried to understand what could have caused such a tragic event. Discussions grew more intense, fueled by fear and uncertainty about the unknown.
- Two people drained of their blood, it's becoming a nightmare, Henry reflected with horror, realizing the magnitude of the tragedy that had struck his community.

Moreover, there were no physical wounds on the two bodies because Henry had himself examined Albert before burying him; no physical bruising even though he had implanted the dagger in his heart himself. So many things without a plausible explanation had crowned his life since his famous ritual.

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