Childhood || 11

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Ambrosius's POV

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Me and Bal both froze when we heard his parents enter the house. "I thought your parents weren't going to be home all night!" I whisper screamed. He looked at me with his heart racing. "Hey don't look at me! I did too!" He replied in a quiet whisper. I look around at the mess of alcoholic drinks and poems scribbled onto paper. I put the papers in a pile neatly on his desk  as his mom yelled from downstairs "Ballister! Are you home?". I heard her steps come up the stairs slowly; "What do I do?!" I mouthed to him and shook my hands in a very panicked state. He got up and put the glasses in his dresser before grabbing my shoulders. "Listen to me and listen to me carefully." He whispered to me with a fierce look in his eyes.

I nodded quickly submitting to his gaze. "You are going to hide in my closet and not make a sound. Got it?" He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver a bit. "You got it." I reply. He pulled me into his closet my the collar and pushed me against the wall. He put a finger to my lips causing me to blush hard. I have to admit this was really fucking hot. I nod as he kind of just sits there for a minute looking into my eyes. 'Just leave!'  I thought. 'If he doesn't leave now I might actually glaze the inside of my khakis.' Was the last thing that went through my head before he left the closet and shuts the door. I peak through the cracks as his mom opens the door.

Their conversation was very blank. No specific topic but very long. It lasted about five minutes who am I kidding. But after his mom left it looks like he forgot I was there entirely, until I took a deep breath and he jumped back into reality.

"I'm sorry!" He says as he opens the closet. I giggle and look at the floor and fidget with my hands, "No it's ok. I'm just glad you didn't keep me locked in the closet for the rest of eternity" I joke. He just shakes his head and pulls me out of the closet with a giggle "Your body probably would smell horrible decomposing." Bal says with a grin. I shrug and look at him with a chuckle "Yeah with all your smelly socks around me. That closet was gross." I say. Though his closet wasn't gross; it's quite organized and taken care of. He scoffs "I'm offended." "Don't you think I was offended when you shoved me into that closet?". He then hesitates and nods with a look of agreement.

"Yeah but I know you love me so you didn't care." Bal says with a smile. You know it kind of hurts when he says stuff like that because it's always true but I can't express that feeling to him. I sigh "You think you're so funny.". He nod "I really do, and hey you know it's true." He says nudging my shoulder gingerly.  I giggle before he walks over to the bed. "You staying the night or am I sneaking out with you again?" He teases as he stretches. That's when it hits me. "Oh shit I have to dog-sit early in the morning tomorrow.".

"So... sneaking you out?" He says with a raised brow. I nod admittedly; "You know it.". He opens his window, "After you.". I grab my stuff before stepping out onto the ledge of roof under his window sill I slide down the tiles onto the ledge with him following close behind me. I hop down onto the grass and surprisingly it didn't hurt at all except with bal I basically have to catch him. Which I did but he was scared to jump down even though we've done this a billion times. We started to walk to my house which was like right down the street so we decided to instead stop at a gas station nearby. 

"So you know when you were writing that first poem?" Bal asks. I look over at him with a confused expression, "Yes?". He looks at me, "I could tell you really poured your heart out. I found it really sweet and cute.". I blush before looking at the moon, "cute?" I ask. He chuckles before saying "Yes. Cute.".  I roll my eyes and hide the blush from my face. "Don't flatter me." After I say that, he gives me a look like I've just offended his whole existence. He dramatically pulls himself closer to me as if he was a moon orbiting a planet. "But it's true y'know." He comments. "I don't know though." I reply putting my hands in my pockets.

He hooks his arm around mine. "Well either way that's my personal opinion." He smiles. I lean my head against his shoulder. We walk to the store in almost silence with only the sound of each-others breathing. And once we make it there we go on an absolute shopping spree, buying candy, drinks, and etc. We end up spending 35.23$ in total.

"I don't want you to go home just yet." Bal says and I can't help but agree. We walk to the statue of gloreth and realize that it's basically three in the morning. We sit up near her legs and eat our candy and talk about school, parents, we gossip, and even talk about Diego. Surprisingly I'm not filled to the brim with jealousy or envy. Mainly because spending time with bal right now is the only thing keeping me happy right now and it's not something that can easily be broken down. I love him oh so much and I can't stop it. I lean against him as we chat and I look up at him considering I'm sitting a bit lower like I was laying down.

I hold his hand close as he talks. His voice trailing through my head. His face in the pale moon light draws me in like nothing else in this world ever has. I want to kiss him. I want to hug him, squeeze him, laugh with him, and... do other things. I just want him to understand how I feel so badly. "Y'know what Ambrosius, I like you." Those words suddenly pop up out of his mouth and into my head fast. I look at him considering he broke me out of my train of thought. "Huh?" I say looking into his eyes. "I like you." He says with a smile. My heart stops. I need to make sure I'm not hallucinating, I pinch myself but I'm still very much here.

"I like you too." I reply. I couldn't assume what he meant, maybe he meant as a friend. I can't just jump to conclusions without thinking about the consequences. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. His breathing slows. I quickly look up at him "don't fall asleep!" I laugh. He wakes up slightly, "but it's so late..." he mutters. I shake my head "We can sleep under the statue of my ancestor you dork." I say yawning as I get up and stretch. I pull him up and grab our snacks which aren't even a quarter finished.

We walk to my house and when we get there I unlock the door quietly and sneak in with Bal. I struggle to bring him up to my room but we manage to do it surprisingly successfully. I lay him down in my bed and make myself a makeshift bed on the floor. Almost instantly he falls asleep and I'm left laying awake, alone.

I reply the events of today in my head. Today was perfect. And I'm even more convinced he loves me too; but if he doesn't then I'm gonna end up wicked embarrassed if I ask him and he gets weirded out or something like that.


((A/N: I'm back!!!! Also songs that remind me of the characters in this chapter:

Ambrosius: Line without a hook, La seine, Loverboy, and Show Me How

Ballister: Lovers rock, Liquid Smooth, and Trash Magic  ))

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