Childhood || 5

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Ambrosius's POV


I leaned against Bal, feeling much better after he made me that drink. I smiled happily "Bal?" I spoke softly. "Yes Ambrosius? " He replied. "I just wanted to thank you for everything... you always care for me but, why?" I asked carefully making sure I didn't sound like I was being a brat.

"Because your my friend, and honestly... no one in the world could compare to you in this moment. Your the best." He replied smiling placing a hand on my cheek, My cheeks felt hot. "Bal..." I muttered nervously, his touch felt amazing and gave me butterflies. I knew what this feeling was, I had heard about it constantly as a kid and it was so gross. As a kid you would see your parents kiss and instantly be grossed out but.. they were in love; and I strongly believe this is what we had, I believe me and bal are... In love? I hoped that was the right word.

"Yes?" He smiled happily, looking me in the eyes. His eyes were handsome, they looked beautiful and dark like chocolate. His face was soft and sweet, his skin was smooth. I took a deep breath, he was beautiful. "I... never mind it's nothing! " I backed out of telling bal about my feelings, maybe he didn't feel the same way? Only time can tell and I knew this was going to hurt.

<A few years later.>
(Age: 15)

I smiled walking out of my last classroom of the day. Looking at bal from across the hallway, his brunette hair was easily to spot quickly. I smiled, summer had just ended so it was the first day of school and we hadn't hung out that much during the summer. I ran across the hall crashing into some people, dropping my bags I quickly picked bal up and spun us around like in the movies.

"Oh hello, Ambrosius! " he said chuckling. I smiled giggling, "Hey, Bal! I missed you so much you have no idea!" I said putting him down, he smiled and picked up my bag for me. "You dropped these" he spoke smiling handing them to me, our fingers brushed together. My face felt warm, I was blushing. It happened a lot considering I've liked bal since I was thirteen, I still wasn't sure if he liked me as well but it hurt. Having to think about how the man I love probably doesn't like me. "Thank you, bal." I give him a smile. "Oh hey! I have big news about the crush I was telling you about!" He said crossing his arms. That's why I never tried to date him.

Bal liked someone else and I didn't wanna weird him out with my weird...Fantasy, plus I didn't want to loose the special relationship we had together, and sure we've had our intimate moments with saying "I love you" but that was mainly because we always did that since we were kids. I guess recently it's just been a lot, I really missed bal and I wanted to tell him how I felt somehow but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Letting out disappointed breaths I chuckled and pushed my hair out of my face "What's up?" I say it as if I really wanna know.

"He asked for my number!" Bal exclaimed happily, his hands stimming and rubbing against his uniform. He was adorable when he had his bursts of excitement, his hands shook and his eyes almost sparked my heart. "Oh," I then actually processed what exactly he said. "Good for you! I know you've been trying to get his for a while now so I'm glad it's working out." Jealously and rivalry was a big thing in my family. I mean my mom and I used to fight over who had made the better cookies for Christmas.

Bal gradually calmed down and hugged me, "Thank you for being so supportive!" He said giggling. I nodded, understandably. "Anything for you, Bal" I said fixing my uniform as it felt like it was suffocating me, my eyes watered. I just wished bal saw me in the way he saw his stupid boy crush. My throat felt like it was closing up and my hands sweat. "Anyways, you still haven't revealed who exactly your crush is" I say trying to open my throat up more so I didn't sound like an idiot when speaking. "It's a secret! Plus it's stupid honestly!" Bal said giggling just thinking about him. I wish he did that at the thought of me.

"Oh, just tell me! I bet you've said much stupider" I said judging him playfully. His eyes looked nervously at the floor, "Ok, fine. My crush is... Diego" Bal spoke emotionally. "The squire?! Are you kidding me?!" I thought angrily. I gripped my hands onto my khakis, my blood felt like it was boiling. "That's... great. Good for you" I spoke bitterly. I needed to get out of there before I got pissed. I was about to walk away before Diego walked over to Bal. "Sir, Ballister I have to take your sword to the smiths for inspection" He spoke, clearly there was no actual chemistry with bal.

Bal nodded and smiled handing Diego his sword. I silently sneaked away from the situation and started to walk to my mothers car that sat parked outside. I got in and slammed the door behind me, placing my bags on the seat next to me. My mom looked at me through the rear view mirror, "Sweetheart are you okay?" she says raising an eyebrow. I shake my head and roll down the window, "just drive." I say sighing. She nods and drives away from the school.


I lay in my bed working on my google slide for my biology class. Suddenly I got a FaceTime call from Bal, Something told me to answer but I didn't really want to. I sighed and resisted my urges not to answer. I answered and Bal had a wide grin on his stupid cute face. "What?" I spoke sighing. "He asked me out to a small date! I know it's stupid but it means so much!" He was just rubbing salt in the wound at this point. "Oh, nice? Listen I hope everything goes smoothly for you, but I must admit that I have work to do." I spoke before hanging up quickly. I groaned and shut my laptop, my mom was making dinner in the kitchen with her music playing on blast. How was I going to explain all this to mom without it seeming like I was just being rude?

A/N: I'm so sorry I took so long to publish this chapter I've been way too busy.

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