Childhood || 4

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((A/N: Yall's are such pookie wookie bear material- ALSO MY DISCORD IS .ambros1us. PLEASE ADD ME I NEED MORE FRIENDS WHO LIKE NIMONA! Also, let me clue you in on something, Ambrosius is my favorite <3))

((WARNING!!: Angst, and mentions of  S3lf Harm))

Ballister's POV

I woke up to the warm embrace of Ambrosius's arms, and his mom screaming at us to wake up. His arms were comfortingly wrapped around my waist like a blanket, he was warm... a bit too warm if that makes sense. Ambrosius sat up and stretched still holding me, "Good morning, Ambrosius" I smile happily. He sneezes as he rubs his eyes, "Good morning, Bal" he said in a raspy voice. I looked at him concerned, was he ok? his eyes with half-closed, and his voice was messed up. Was he sick? If so, was he ok? Was he in pain? I sat up with him and pushed the shaggy blonde hair out of his face. He looked at me with soft, dark, and very gentle eyes. He looked sick. I weakly touched his forehead. He was burning! I got up and gave him a forced smile. 

Running out of his room, I tugged on Ambrosius's moms' arm. "Excuse me, Ma'am?" I ask softly and nervously. She looked down at me confused "Are you ok?" She says giving me a concerned look. I led her to Ambrosius and showed her how sick he was. Ambrosius started to cough a bit, "Awe my baby... Ballister what's your mothers' number?" She says pulling out her phone as she pulls Ambrosius into a hug. "Umm...." I thought about it before giving Ambrosius's mom my mom's number. She called my mother and soon started to talk to her, I couldn't understand a word they said even though I was right next to her. She let go of Ambrosius and he wobbled a bit. I held Ambrosius securely upright so he wouldn't fall face-first into the carpet. He was very warm. He leaned into me, "Ballister If it's alright with you... would you like to help take care of Ambrosius today? I'm going to call both of you out sick" She sighed and told me. A smile suddenly appeared on my recently worried face. "I'd love to!" I replied. I didn't want to get sick, but I also wanted to ensure Ambrosius was ok... I haven't known him for long, but I cared about him. I wanted to be there for him when he truly needed me.

She walked off to the kitchen and I helped Ambrosius sit down on the bed. "Bal?" He muttered. I looked into his eyes and could just generally see how worn he was, I sighed and turned the A/C on considering he was probably overheating. He brushed his fingers along my arm, reaching out to me. I pushed the hair out of his face and looked around the room and found some hair ties, I tied his hair back out of his face so he wouldn't have to keep moving it. His mother brought me an ice pack, I had Ambrosius lay back so he could rest. I placed a thin white hospital-like blanket on him gently, then I gently placed the icepack on his forehead. 

He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. His eyes were so soft and gentle, he looked worn and tired even though we got a perfect amount of sleep last night. I stretched and walked out to the kitchen, Ambrosius's mom was making some sort of food for us to snack on. I walked out to the backyard and sat down on the edge of the pool, I took my socks off and stuck my feet in the water. A sense of sadness and doubt ran through my body, I looked down into the water and rolled up my sleeves revealing those horrible nasty scars. My head ached, not because I was sick, but because I was trying hard not to relapse recently. It was hard, at my age most people would believe I was just overreacting or seeking attention. But after my parents started to fight about money and how my father had slept with another woman, things just went downhill from that point on. My dad basically banned me from leaving the house, and my mom was always working; but the one time I was allowed to go out, I wanted to prove I was worth more than just some kid, some kid that someday nobody would care about. That was the day I broke into the institute. 

My mom was proud I was trying to fulfill my dreams, but my dad wasn't too happy about the fact I had shown up on the kingdom's news. My dad grounded me for weeks and started to yell at me. I don't know when I first started cutting, but I regret it. Every day I had to wear either a long-sleeve or a hoodie or my father would go crazy and tell me to cover up; mainly because his friends would come around and would see me a lot. He didn't want his friends to see my cuts and scars, which I understood. They were ugly and deep, and even though I hated them, I kept doing it. It felt like I couldn't stop, and when I would try to stop, I would get mildly paranoid and moody. My mom tried to get me to help, but I didn't want it and still don't.

As I stared into the water the more time went by, eventually Ambrosius's mom broke me out of my train of horrible thoughts by telling me to get inside before the food got cold. Was It already lunch? Had time gone by that fast? I stood up and dried off my feet before putting my socks on. I ran inside and looked at the food Ambrosius's mom had prepared, It smelled good and it probably was. "Ballister, dear?" She spoke pushing the hair out of my face. I rolled my sleeves back down quickly and I looked at her. "Yes?" I spoke. She told me to bring Ambrosius his food, which I did. Ambrosius was passed out like a cat, I giggled and placed his food gently on his nightstand that sat next to his bed. I sat down on his bed, making sure not to wake him up so suddenly.  I started to eat; the food tasted good but... as soon as I started to chew the food felt suddenly... Disgusting. I swallowed hard and it felt sickening. I finished eating and my stomach felt weird. I sighed and woke Ambrosius up, informing him that there was food that he could eat. Ambrosius started to eat, once he was finished. I took our plates and walked to the kitchen, I started to wash the dishes for Ambrosius's mom, she probably had a lot on her plate right now. 

She walked out of her room and spotted me doing the dishes for her. "Awe sweetheart, you didn't have to do that for me," she said smiling happily. I smiled back as I continued, once I was finished, I dried my hands and put the dishes on a drying rack. I started to make Ambrosius a drink with some medicine in it like His mom has asked me to do, It was a lemonade drink that I had put the medicine into so Ambrosius wouldn't know. I placed some ice cubes into the glass, I placed a lemon wedge on the side, and added a straw. The glass was smooth and tall, I walked to Ambrosius's room and smiled seeing his face. I handed him the drink and he seemed to enjoy it. 

I sat down next to him in the bed and placed a hand on his cheek and smiled. I looked into his eyes and smiled again, "You're healing already, I'm proud of you Ambrosius." I said caressing his cheek with my thumb gently. He was still warm, but he was doing better, and I was relieved. He smiled, "Thank you, bal." He said happily. "Why are you helping me?". I thought about it for a moment. "Because... You're my friend, and... I care about you. I love you and I want to make sure you're okay," I replied, I meant love in a friendly way, right? He blushed a little bit and pursed his lips. "I... love you too, you're my best friend and I care about you as well. I feel bad though... You're going to get sick," he said. I shook my head still caressing his cheek gently, "As long as you get better, I don't care about getting sick" I sighed pulling him slightly closer. 

I moved my hand down to his and held it close. I felt my heart beating unsteadily, my face felt warm and fuzzy, and the butterflies started to tell me something, something that I needed to know. I didn't know what it was but something about Ambrosius made my heart skip a beat whenever he smiled my way. 

He's the best friend I've ever had. 

((A/N: You guys love me so much for leaving you on another cliff hanger :3 ))

Childhood (GoldenHeart)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें