Chapter Seven

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*Harry's Pov

I don't remember much of last night the last i remember is me telling louis about my relationship with sel and how she's been treating me i have never been so grateful for such a tiny human being for listening to me especially while i sat there and cried on his shoulder and held me the last thing i remember him saying to me was "don't worry haz you'll find better , you deserve better." He really was the best thing ever but I knew I had to talk to him about it again so I can get more of his advice on what i should do next.

Shortly after i looked over at him and saw his small frame still asleep on the other side of me I didn't wanna wake him so I quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get myself together I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned at myself I've been so drained lately i just want it all to be over with i took a deep breath before washing my face and making my way downstairs to the kitchen so i could fix something to eat for me and louis i knew he would appreciate it , it was the least i could for him after last night.

Thirty minutes later i finally figured out what i was gonna prep for me and louis for breakfast i knew his favorite has always been bacon and waffles with a side of oatmeal so that's exactly what I made for him i tried to make sure everything was perfect before he woke up but clearly those plans were ruined i always forget how early he wakes up so i was kind of upset that I didn't get to surprise him. "Good morning hazza it smells like you're making my favorite in here." I heard him say as he walked beside me and I looked over at him. "Well yeah I wanted it to be done before you woke up it was the least I could do after all you've done for me last night .. but I always forget that you wake up so early." I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes as I continued to finish up our breakfast. "Oh don't be such a wanker , I appreciate it either way and you know I'd do anything for you !" He shouted at me as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

*Louis Pov

I rolled over to try and wake myself up and noticed that haz was already gone so I decided to get up and go look for him.  I really had hoped he didn't change his mind and decided to leave after all but to my surprise of course I found him in the kitchen fixing us both something to eat I let a smile creep onto my face as I watched him focus on reading the ingredients as he moved his beautiful curls out of his face a couple times so he could see better. "Quit staring at him lou it's getting weird just go talk to him!" I turned to my side and seen my little sister standing there. "Well.. this is awkward uhm how long have you been standing there for daisy ?" I asked her as I crossed my arms. "Long enough to see you stalking your crush that's for sure." She giggled as she walked off I never been so embarrassed in my life , I cleared my throat as I finally decided to walk over near harry. "Good morning hazza it smells like you're making my fave in here."  He looked startled for a moment before speaking again. "Oh yeah it's the least I could do for you after last night but I always seem to forget that you wake up so early." He replied as he rolled his eyes while finishing up making our food. "No need to be such a wanker haz i appreciate it either way and you know I'd do anything for you!" I shouted at him before placing a small kiss on his cheek.

A few hours went by and me and harry decided on doing a mini movie night I wasn't so sure on if he still wanted to talk about the night he had yesterday so I'd do anything to help him be distracted. "Come on hazza it's getting ready to start I already have our popcorn ready!" I yelled from the other room as he appeared only moments later taking a seat next to me on the bed that we shared at the moment. I'll be honest I wasn't really paying much attention to the movie I was drowned in my thoughts as I thought of how shitty selena has been treating him but my thoughts were interrupted when harry said something to me. "Hey lou can you do me a favor ?" He asked me as I looked over at him and slowly nodded my head. "Of course anything." I smiled at him as I waited for a response. "Can you kiss me ? I just really want a distraction." My jaw almost dropped as I listened to harry ask me to kiss him .. so I slowly nodded my head as i leaned towards him feeling as though my heart was gonna beat outside of my chest.

*Harry's Pov

If we're being honest i have no idea what came over me at that moment I knew i needed a distraction and I knew I wanted Louis to be my only distraction. He almost looked just as confused as i did right before I let those two things slip out of my mouth i was really nervous on if he was gonna do it or not I didn't want him to think I was using him I would never do that to him but I was shocked when I saw him leaning towards me waiting to see what would happen next .. I froze up a little but all my negative thoughts got pushed out of my mind as I slammed my lips onto his. "FUCK!"  We both said together as we pulled away from each other and smiled we had no idea what was gonna happen next after this one little kiss that we shared but oh were we definitely gonna find out sooner than later.

A/N surpiseeeee yes yes they finally kissed ! BUT ! that's not all there's gonna be some more drama unfoldinggg oooh exciting right ?!?!? I've been doing so well with this book I even made it in third place as highest ranking for the title first like omg ???? YAYYY hope you guys enjoyed <3

Xoxo Ray !

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