Chapter- 7 Uncovering the Secret

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Finally Chenua woke up at midnight, still being weak. It was like he had come out from a long year coma, though he really didn't knew what coma was. The physicians who were treating him were very happy by the awakening of their king.

After Gabriel heard it, he quickly came in to meet him and present him with the current situation. He told him each and every detail of what had happened ever since he fainted. He was brought soups and easy healthy chewable food for the newly awaken weakened man. Still lying in the bed, he knew he had to reward the girl. So he asked Tyler, who had recovered till now, to present her before him the very next day. After that, Chenua awarded Gabriel for professionally handling the kingdom matters as he should. After about half hour, Gabriel left to give the man some power sleep.

Next day, Chenua was all ready and fine, as if nothing really happened. He sat in his throne and as asked, Xiyian was brought in front of him. "Oh this girl, again? Well, at least I didn't give my first kiss to an old hag like Lysandra. Well, to think of, she doesn't really look bad, she's pretty." He stopped his thinking mind and said, "Good thing done, Xiyian. As promised, you will granted with some reward. Tell me your wish so that I can fulfill."

Xiyian had a really sharp mind, so she knew what she had ask for but then Shofu appeared, "NO! Xiyian, don't ask for money. Ask for a house with maybe some servants for your parents. You don't know when the secret mission will be done, and if money you get now will be finished till then, the mission for being financially independent will lessen and you have to start over again!" Now this was a point, she really didn't thought of so she thanked Shofu in her mind and presented her request before. "Oh...Good, good. Quite selfless you are. You are to be rewarded but you are asking for parents?! Sure then, I will fulfill them" So Xiyian, out of courtesy bend over and went.

After Tyler had his lunch, for digestion, he went for a stroll in the royal garden, since even he is a human and can't stay a bodyguard forever. When he was walking down the small bridge about the small stream, he noticed someone, it was blurry. When he got near, he saw it was Chenua taking some pebbles from the river coast and threw it in the river. Chenua, even with his fast and quick senses, didn't hear Tyler's footsteps until he slapped Chenua's back which startled him. Tyler took some pebbles from the ground and threw it in the river just like his best friend. " Ok, so why are you sad?" Chenua replied to the question, ' What? I'm not sad!' Tyler replied " Chenua or your majesty, I have been your friend for 15 years now! Now tell me if you regard me as a best friend, Chenua... " Tyler knew if he wanted Chenua to speak out anything he was hiding, he just needs to pull the FRIEND CARD. Chenua gave out a big sigh because he knew he couldn't win against him. " It's because... I saw my uncle today. When I was about to have lunch, he came which really startled me. He warned me in my room that I better don't find evidence of my parents death nor go near my sisters. He came just to give a warning nothing else. It's not that I am scared of his warning or something but I still fear him due to that past incident. That scene, I can still memorize it! That rainy night, only if I..." "Chenua! STOP! Don't think about that again! I'm born for protecting you and nothing will happen to you, I promise. I always have your back, you get it?" Chenua gave a relieving smile and hugged him.

The next day, something happened which changed Xiyian's life forever...She saw her brother in her dream. She saw his brother crying and saw white ceiling above. That medicinal smell near him didn't take long for her to understand that she was in a hospital. After all, that's where she saw her dead parents body. She could see her hand with a fluid tube attached to her hand. It was almost as if she was living that moment. She so much wanted to stop those tears of her brother Siowen. Tell him that she was fine, but when she was about to touch him but infortunately she woke up. That small moment of memory was enough to make her cry heartily. Susan woke up with the sudden crying voice of a person. Susan was shocked at why she was crying suddenly, that too in early morning. She tried to console her. Xiyian replied in a crying and sniffing condition " Sniff...My brother......I saw him......sniff sniff in my dream." Then she continued crying and complaint like a small baby " (crying) I wanna meet my brother!!""We can meet him today! We will ask our king for a day off. He is very kind for real." "No, we can't... sniff......" Xiyian said as she was aware of her condition. Susan replied as she comforted her " Why? oh... Is it too far for one day? No worries, we can ask our king for 1 week leave. Now don't cry." Xiyian was still crying and said that no they can't go because of no matter what happens, she knows she can't, for real.

 Susan asked because for her, 1 week was enough for someone to reach her home be it in another country. Xiyian looked upward to the presense she felt and saw Shofu sad since even he didn't want to torture that innocent girl like that " Sniff....can I tell her?" " Yes, you can if you want... '' replied Shofu, giving her permission. Xiyian turned to Susan, who was suprised at Xiyian talking to the air, and sadly said " Sniff....Susan, what now I will tell is a secret. But as you're my best friend here, I will tell you. Actually my real name is Aleana and I do have a brother but I 'm not from this time. I'm from another era where modern things work. My real parents died in a car accident and my brother studied abroad . Once when I was coming to my home in that era, I found a pair of earrings on the road, then......." Susan laughed at first but as Xiyian was continuing, Susan was confused but slowly she understood. After a few minutes, the story ended. Xiyian replied " So that's all, that's why I can't go to my brother. But please promise me that you won't tell anyone!" Susan comforted her,  'Don't worry, I will help you in your missions and keep it a secret. But, you are telling me you have a pig as a helper and a guide ? Wow....I wish I could see him, what's his name? yeh, Shofu, right?' Xiyian smiled and asked Shofu if he could also appear in front of Susan. Since she already told her the story, it wouldn't be bad enough to show himself. 

In Susan's point of view, a cloud appeared magically floating and saw a dressed pig who was Shofu. Now Susan was amazed by the appearance of Shofu and couldn't believe it. Shofu said, " Yes, I am Shofu. As you saw me Susan, you can touch me. And those who can't see me, even i gave them a push, they can't feel it but you and Xiyian can see me so if I push or pull you, you will get pushed or pulled. And most importantly, I will remove your memory of us, especially me, as I should remain a secret." he said with a slight smile. Susan agreed since she was blessed enough to be a friend of a person who came from future.

Then Shofu turned to Xiyian " Xiyian , it was not a dream. It was real. You're really in the hospital and your brother was really crying. I think it was your wish to see yourself in real life that had so much power that it became a glitch in the time and you could actually see the reality as your dream."

Now what will happen since Susan knows the secret? Will she spill it? Will she be of any help, only time can say. So...Stay Tuned

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 29 ⏰

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