Ch- 2 Understanding The Situation

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"Seriously? To get back my life which was already mine, I need to complete missions NOW?! Which fricking guy decided this?!" She now reminded her friend's advice and breathed, calmly. 1,2,3 Breath...1,2,3 Breath....1,2,3 Breath...

Phew...ok, I am totally fine. Very MUCH FINE! Now tell me pig, what missions I got in my table?" 'Thanks for understanding, Aleana. Even I am helpless about your thing. So you have 3 main missions to handle. One- Become financially independent. Second- Get a best friend. Third- make your family happy.' Now Aleana was really confused. "What? Just these 3? It's so easy!!" But Shofu added just then "And... You need to fulfill a mission but it's a secret." Aleana couldn't help but give a annoyed expression. " How the hell do you think I can achieve it then!!!!????"

"For that? I will help you. That's why I am here, to help you. Gonna give you hints and clues when you are near to that thing!" Aleana now accepted that now this was her life. She needed help from the pig to work here so she couldn't make him angry. Shofu now explained everything- Who she was here now? What era was it? Whose pretty body she had taken? Who was the king? , etc. She needed to learn everything now: from start. 'As about your can take anyone from here to there; to her era.' "Oh, please" She teased, "Going away from here will be my biggest reward!"

Main things she had to note was- 1)She now was in a body named Xiyian, so now everyone will call her that. 2)Nobody can see Shofu except her and Shofu could only touch her. 3)One day here is one day in her present. 4) Someone named Chenua was ruling in that kingdom. 5)This is the era of 500 years ago.

Xiyian started farming with her parents from the very next day. They stayed in a field with a river some meters away. They lived in the outskirts of the kingdom, Zhangri, enjoying the beauty of nature. She got the memories of the girl in whose body she is. 1 week passed. She now learned all the things from cooking to weaving which she didn't really knew in her real life. She tried to make her parents happy by ways and means, BUT only to accomplish the missions.

A new day begins, she starts helping her parents. She was washing the dishes when suddenly, she heard a drummer shouting and announcing 'go aside, our king is coming'. Her father was shocked to hear that their king was coming there as their king rarely goes to the outskirts of the kingdom. Aleana once heard from her father that a king was ruling their kingdom. His name was Chenua. She really didn't had time to see and meet him as she was busy to make her family happy and proud. But she obviously heard rumors from those neighboring gossip aunties that the king was not married though he had the age for it. He was 25 years old and was famous for being kind to his people. But rumors also said that he was really harsh to criminals and was very powerful and cleaver to face his enemies.

She was now free and had nothing to do so she thought of looking at the king. To see if he was her type. The king was just passing beside Aleana's home with lots of soldiers around him guarding. "Just like a parade", she thought. Suddenly Shofu appeared saying 'Leave that, let's eat your soup. Yours's is very tasty, more than my wife's.' Aleana, being scared by the sudden appearance of Shofu, unwantedly crashed into the king's hands. Immediately before she could process what had happened, king's most trusted soldier, Tyler caught hold of Aleana. "Hey, I know our king is good looking but you don't have to fall down intentionally and act pathetic. There are no less women for that!" Aleana got herself up by that response and replied with full force " Hey, I have no intention as well as interest in our king, ok? It was just because of...." Then she remembered they can't see Shofu so she completed the sentence as "I slipped!" Without any request or respect, she turned and went without hearing any other word from Tyler. Tyler was very angry with that response since he never got any response like that for the first time. Chenua had seen only a part of her face and felt she was different from any other woman...just like her sister.

She went back and said to Shofu who was waiting for her in her room "I swear if you go on with you sudden hoof and poof, I am gonna kill you someday!"

Next day, an informer from inside of the kingdom came to the village with posters pasting in the walls saying "Maids needed. If you want to sign in, come to the palace tomorrow." Her father and mother noticed that poster and requested Xiyian to go. But she was not really sure about this as she wanted to complete the missions first. So she said that she will decide later that night.

Inside the room, Shofu and Xiyian were discussing what to do. Shofu told her that her getting her family love her is done but if she does this job, financially independent mission will too be done fast as it's from the royal kingdom. "And for your information, the secret mission can be accomplished only there! ', continued Shofu. 'So you are saying I have only one option?' 'Yes, I mean I don't want to make things difficult for you but it's true. Even if you open my mouth by some means, you won't be able to meet your brother in the modern era, FOREVER ', said Shofu. Aleana's heart was broken after she heard the work "brother" as it's been almost 2 weeks since he last heard his last voice. Shofu also wanted to help her but couldn't. He thought,' Sorry, but I can't do anything. I wanna tell you your destiny to protect you. But the system forbids me to do so. But I wish you luck in secret.'

What Destiny Will Come To Xiyian That Even Shofu Can't Say? What Will Happen To Xiyian In The Future? Will She Able To Go Back In The Modern Era?

Stay Tuned! :) 

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