The Closing of a Door

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Upon noticing that all of her children were seemingly otherwise engaged: Elouise with a novel, Colin sat conversing something with Penelope, Hyacinth directing Anthony's attention to something out of the window so that she may steal the pastry in his hand, Daphne and Kate were not in the room, probably in the nursery attending to the children, and finally Benedict stood by the fireplace, antagonising the charred firewood with the stoke; Violet took a moment to force a smile.
'We are to dine with the Cowper's tomorrow night before the ball.' She declared, in an overly cheery tone.
All heads turned towards her.
'The Cowpers?' Anthony clarified in disgust, as he fought off Hyacinth's wandering fingers.
'Yes, Lady Danbury will be in attendance too.' Violet added, the sweetness in her voice grating the ears of those in the room
'Are we all required to attend?' Benedict queried.
'Yes, Lady Cowper,  even asked for you, specifically.' Violet explained to him, her smile slowly falling.
Nobody said anything for a moment, as if a lightbulb had sparked in their heads.
'She doesn't not wish to make a match between Cressida and our brother, does she?' Elouise followed up, being the only one brave enough to ask the question, wrinkling her nose as she did.
Benedict looked to his mother helplessly, his eyes pleading with her.
'I am sorry, Deary. I agreed to it at the garden party. Had I known-' Violet quickly explained, a sympathy weighing down her features.
'It is alright, Mother. It might a distraction, of sorts.' Benedict cut her off, but the dissatisfaction in his tone was evident.
'A distraction from what?' Elouise asked, having paid close attention to what was said.
However, before anyone could answer, Hyacinth's squeals filled the air.
'Miss Taylor!' Hyacinth exclaimed, running past her family to greet the woman at the door.
Sophie placed down her bags as the girl all but leaped into her arms.
Sophie chuckled, 'I was only gone for a matter of days.' As she stroked Hyacinth's back, her eyes only on the girl.
'Yes, but it felt like an eternity, I had only Gregory for company, and he is awfully boring.' Hyacinth countered, releasing Sophie from her embrace, so that she may glare at her brother.
As Gregory made his way over, the rest of the family seemed to gravitate towards her naturally, too.
'Hey.' Sophie jokingly warned, gently patting Gregory's shoulder, as if to tell him that she did not agree.
'Miss Taylor.' Anthony greeted hesitantly, causing Sophie to raise her eyes.
Freezing, when they met those of Benedict, a conflicted  look upon his face.
Those in the know, looked between the pair, grimaces upon their faces.
'Miss Taylor, allow me to help you with your belongings.' Colin finally said, placing a hand on her back, doing what he could to rectify the situation.
Benedict remained watching her, as Colin and her made their way down the hall; naively, he didn't realise how much seeing her would hurt him. Her face, in itself, was a sight that never ceased from causing his heart to flutter with joy, but the sadness and guilt behind her eyes caused his mind to recall the gravity of the situation: he would have to live with her, inhabit the same rooms as her, but never again could he hold her as he had once done, never again would he be the source of the smile upon her lips.

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