Chapter 1 : A New Beginning

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Mumbai bustled with activity as Sathi Arora leaned against the railing of her apartment balcony, her phone pressed to her ear.

She glanced at the city below, the honking of cars and chatter of pedestrians providing a familiar backdrop to her conversation."Hello, Mrs. Desai? This is Sathi Arora, your event manager," Sathi said, her voice confident yet warm.

"I just wanted to touch base about the upcoming charity gala. Have you had a chance to finalize the guest list?"As she listened to Mrs. Desai's response, Sathi nodded, jotting down notes on a nearby notepad. "Yes, of course.
I'll make sure everything is arranged according to your specifications. It's going to be a fantastic event, I assure you."

After exchanging pleasantries and confirming the details, Sathi bid Mrs. Desai goodbye and ended the call. She sighed, feeling a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation.

Planning events was her passion, and she relished the opportunity to bring her clients' visions to life. But as the sun began to set and the sky turned shades. Standing at 5'6" tall, she possessed a confident presence that belied her petite stature.

Despite her slight frame, there was a subtle strength to her, evidenced by the hint of muscles that peeked through her pajamas.

Her wavy hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves, framing her face with a touch of unruly elegance. Despite the casual attire, there was an air of professionalism about her, reflected in the way she carried herself and the focused intensity in her gaze.

She may have been dressed for relaxation, but her mind was already racing ahead to the evening's events.
With a final adjustment to her hair, Sathi turned and made her way back inside.

As Sathi stepped inside, she found her sister Anaya engrossed in her work, sketches spread out on the coffee table in front of her. Anaya, a talented fashion designer with a passion for creativity, looked up with a grateful smile as Sathi entered the room.

"Sathi, perfect timing!" Anaya exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement. "I've been brainstorming ideas for the next collection, and I could really use your input."

Sathi nodded.

Without hesitation, Sathi made her way to the kitchen, knowing that her sister needed a break. As she prepared a cup of coffee, she couldn't help but marvel at the way Anaya's designs brought beauty and innovation to life.

Returning to the living room with a steaming cup in hand, Sathi handed it to Anaya with a warm smile. "Here you go, sis. Just the way you like it."

Anaya accepted the cup with a grateful nod, taking a sip before turning her attention back to her sketches.

Sathi's phone buzzed with an incoming call. Glancing at the screen, she saw that it was her friend Khushi. Sathi excused herself and headed to her room, closing the door behind her to avoid distractions.

"Hey, Khushi," Sathi answered, her voice warm with affection. "Sorry, I've been caught up with work. How are you?"

Khushi's voice came through the phone, tinged with playful reproach. "Good, huh? You forgot to call me today, Sathi. I thought we were best friends!"

Sathi chuckled, knowing that Khushi was only teasing. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. It's been hectic at the office."

"We need to catch up," Khushi insisted. "It's my day off today, and I was thinking we could meet up for coffee. Zen Café, 7 pm. What do you say?"

Sathi's heart warmed at the thought of spending time with her closest friend. "That sounds perfect, Khushi. I'll be there."

"Great! Can't wait to see you," Khushi replied, her excitement palpable through the phone.

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