Chapter Twenty Four

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Noah Everett

"We should talk," Branson says, as he comes into my office. Raising my brows, set down the papers I was rereading for the hundredth time.

"What's up pups?" I lean back in my seat, my eyes roaming him.

"I'm not ready to say it back" he blurts, as he starts pacing "I don't know how i feel, and this whole thing is just overwhelming for me. And I don't want to hurt your feelings. I really don't. But i just am-"

"Hey" I crossed the room, grabbing his hands. "It's fine, I figured you weren't ready. And that's okay. You can't force this, and i definately would never want you too. It's fine baby "I place a gentle kiss on his temple, and his body relaxes.

"Okay" he whispers, and I pull his body into mine. Taking in his warmth.

"Don't stress yourself out over it, okay?" I kissed his temple again, before pulling away. He nods.

"Okay, I gotta get to school," he whispers, placing a gentle kiss on my lips before slipping out.

"It's happening" Layla comes in, panting. "They're attacking our border, right now" her eyes are wild. Pushing to my feet quickly, we start our way down and outside.

"Where's my dad? We need everyone in position" i power walk, reaching out through my bond.

'Where are you?'

'On my way to you, hear what's happening' Bran's voice floods my mind, panic surrounding his words. We're making our way outside when we run into my parents.

"We need to help fight them off, they're taking down wolves left and right. There's at least 100 of them just on the west border" Dad runs his fingers through his hair. "You need to get the girls, and go with Zeke and Xan" Dad pulls mom to his body. "Peyton will be meeting with us to fight."

"Branson will stay with you guys, too. Get Uncle Ze and Xan and get them here. Hold down the pack house" I bark out, as Branson runs over.

"You're really making me sit this out?" his face is flushed, and I step into his body, gripping his jaw.

"We aren't doing this right now, pups. You need to stay and protect the pack house. Your dad, your brother, my sisters. You're the only person I can trust to do it. I'm not making you sit here because I don't think you're capable. I need someone strong here"

"Okay" Branson nods, his eyes glossing over. "You gotta be careful though, promise me" he whispers, his wild eyes flickering between mine. "Promise me you'll come back"

"Of course pups" I pull his body to mine for a quick embrace, and then I pull away. "I promise, I have to go though," I murmured.

"They made it into our territory" Uncle P came running over, "There's way more than we thought. We need to get out there, now" Everyone has panic on their face, and it doesn't take long for us to all shift and take off toward the western border.

The closer we get, the stronger the smell gets. Blood. So much blood. It's so strong, and we're passing wolves that are taken down. Some had to have gotten past, but my mom and Branson can hold up their own. Plus there's more wolves that are staying back that can hold their own.

A loud yelping noise pulls out of my mind. A rogue wolf took Layla by surprise, taking her down. She's springing to her feet, growling. She can hold her own. I keep running, getting as close to the border as I can.

There's maybe 50 wolves, hunkered down and getting ready to attack. Once they do, we're coming back just as strong. I'm throwing myself at a larger wolf, biting into his neck and tearing out his throat in a quick easy swoop.

But that's the thing, the fight to take them down lasted maybe five minutes. Something doesn't feel right. Uncle P said there were way more wolves. I'm panting, as blood soaks the inside of my mouth.

Glancing around, it's so quiet.

'Something isn't right' I pushed through the link, to my father, layla and Uncle P.

'WE NEEDS HELP' Bransons hoarse voice screams through the bond, straddling me. 'They came from the north border, Noah there's at least 200. We can't defend ourselves and-' the link is cut off, and pain and agony flood through our bond.

I'm sprinting through the forest, pushing harder and harder. I can't breathe, and there's so many voices in my head. But all I can think about is how our bond is fading. Someone got to Branson, something is happening.

'Noah, slow down. What's happening?' Layla's voice grounds me.

'They're attacking the pack house, something happened to Branson' I can barely push the words through the link. The pack house comes into view, and there's so many wolves surrounding the house.

I see my mom fighting, and I see a group of wolves surrounding a fallen wolf.


I can feel it, but wolves from our pack are keeping him safe. I need to help get things under control. Fuck. Okay. Sprinting into action, I started attacking the wolves from the other pack. I'm taking them down so quickly, a swift rip of their throat and they're down. I've been training for something like this my whole life.

Dad, Layla and Uncle P are here, taking down wolves as fast as I am. There's more, the wolves from the border patrol who are helping too.

Time feels so slow, because my mate is lying there, bleeding out while I have to fight. If we don't take these wolves down I can't get him the help he needs. Fuck fuck fuck. My vision starts to blur, but I keep pushing through.

We take down almost all the wolves, the ones that are left runoff, and we have some chasing after them. I shift, my bones snapping into place. Grabbing a random pair of gym shorts, i slide them and run as fucking fast as i can to my mate.

He's in his human form, someone put a towel over his lower half. He has huge gashes across his chest, they're deep. Fuck theyre so deep.

He's in my arms, and I'm screaming orders, yelling at people. Uncle P is there, on the ground with me holding towels to Bransons chest. The bond is so weak, I can barely feel it.


"I can't feel him" my voice is hoarse, as my eyes connect with Uncle P's.

"It's not safe Zeke" I hear my mom yell, as she tries to usher him back inside.

"He's my fucking kid!" I hear Zeke's cries, everything blurs.

"I can't feel him" I stress, my eyes flickering between Uncle P's and Zeke. Uncle Ze falls to his knees, my moms arms around him.

"It's okay" Peyton's voice is hoarse. "Lets get him into the medical building" he nods to me "Okay, help me Noah '' he pulls Branson to his feet, but Branson isn't responding. Is he even breathing? "Noah, help me" Peyton barks out, and I'm on my feet.

"He's okay baby. He's fine" Peyton says, stressing his words to his mate. "Come on, lets get him inside" Peyton's voice is so rough. I don't think he believes his own words. But we carry Bran inside.

We get him into the medical building, and Peyton is barking orders. Everything is happening in such a fucking blur. They're taking Branson back, and I feel like the other half of me is disappearing. It's fading so fucking quickly.

"I can't feel him" tears are going down my cheeks, as my eyes flicker between Peyton and Zeke. I feel my mom wrapping her arms around me, but everything feels so fucking numb.

Half of me is gone.

Zeke is sobbing, and Layla is here, she's crying too. She's hugging her dad, and Peyton is pacing. Fuck he's worried.

"I can't feel him" I murmur, over and over again as my knees buckle. I'm on the floor.

Mom's arms are squeezing me, and she's saying something but I can't understand her. 


Couple more chapters! The rest is up on my patreon, and the first 18 chapters of Alexander's story is up there as well!

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