Sokka's master

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In the middle of the Gaang were watching a meteor shower.

Katara: Wow, this is amazing to watch.

Sokka: Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are.

Toph: Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it 1,000 times.

A meteor heads towards them.

Sokka: Oh, man. You've never not seen anything like this. 

It passes over them hitting the ground in the distance. They get on Appa and fly over to where the meteor crashed.

Katara: The fire is gonna destroy that town!

Aang: Not if we can stop it.

Sako: There's a creek over there Katara bend the water on the fire.

Katara: Got it!

Katara flies off with Appa.

Aang: Toph, let's make a trench to keep the fire from coming any closer.

Sokka: What should I do?

Sako: Let the benders deal with this.

Aang and Toph make a trench around the fire when they did Katara comes over with water and bends it over the fire. Katara passes the water to Aang who bends it.

Aang: Guys stand clear!

Sako grabbed Ty'lee and Sokka and jumps back. Aang uses the water to extinguish the fire completely. Causing snow to fall down.

Sako: Good work everybody.

Ty'lee: Yeah that was awesome!

Sokka looked a bit down by this.


Aang and Sako came back with food and sat down.

Aang: These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night.

Toph: Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love.

Sako looked at Toph.

Sako: When we win this war I'm getting a statue in honor of big homie Toph.

(???: He did too.)


Sokka: Boo-Hoo, poor heroes.

Katara: What's your problem? You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug.

Sokka: It's just, all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires and flying around, and making other stuff fly around. The only two non-benders are is Sako and Ty'lee but they still can do pretty amazing things. I can't do anything.

Katara: That's not true. No one can read a map like you.

Toph: I can't read at all.

Sako and Aang stop eating and slowly looked at Toph. Then slowly start eating again.

Aang: (Clears throat) Yeah, and who keeps us laughing with sarcastic comments all the time? I mean look at Katara's hair.

Sako: Same as Ty'lee they both have weird hair.

Katara: What? What's wrong with my hair?

Aang: Nothing, I was just trying to...

Ty'lee: (Anime Tears) Is my hair really weird?

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