The Painted ladies

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Appa was swimming in a river but it was polluted. Aang hops on Appa's saddle and was dirty.

Aang: Hey, guys, I think this river's polluted.

Sokka: So that explains why me and Sako can't catch a fish around here. Because normally my fishing skills the hook.

Sako: (Chuckle)

Katara, Aang, Ty'lee and Aang slowly look at him and he stops laughing.

Toph: Too bad your skills aren't on the hook.

The five laugh at Toph's joke.

Katara: It looks like we'll need to go somewhere else to get food. Assuming that'll fit into Sokka's master schedule.

Sokka looks at his scedule.

Sokka:'s doable. But that means only two potty breaks today.

Aang looks over at a small village.

Aang: Hey, maybe we can get food there.

After a while they make it to some land and Aang covers Appa.

Aang: Now you look just like a little hill with horns. Bye buddy.

Aang walks off as Sako pets Appa.

Sako: I'll get you something good.

Appa: (Low growl)

The group walks over and looks down at the town.

Toph: I don't feel anything. Where's this village?

Sokka: It's in the middle of the river.

Man: Sure is. My name is Dock. Mind if I ask who you are?

Katara: We're um, from the earth Kingdom colonies.

Dock: Wow, colonials. Hop on, I'll give you a ride into town.

Sako crouches down and Toph hops on. Ty'lee saw this and pouts. Sako looks at her.

Sako: Hm?

Ty'lee: Next time I want back rides.

Sako: -_-(Sigh) Fine.

She giggles. Katara, Aang and Sokka laugh as Sako gave them a look shutting them up. They got on the boat.

Katara: Why do you guys live on the river?

Dock: Because we're a fishing town. Dock points at a fire nation factory.

Dock: At least that's how it was before the factory moved in. Army makes their metal there. Moved in a few years ago and started gunking up our river. Now our little village is struggling to survive.

The group makes it to the village.

Aang: Thanks for the ride.

They looked around to see the people sad or sick.

Katara: Look at this place. It's so sad.

Ty'lee: We have to do something to help.

Sokka: No, Ty'lee we can't waste our time here. We have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on. These people are on their own.

Katara walked over to Sokka.

Katara: These people are starving, but you turn your back on them? How can you be so cold and heartless?

Sokka: I'm not turning my back, I'm just being realistic. We can't go around helping every rinky-dink town we wander into. We'll be helping them all by taking out the fire lord.

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