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Most of u don't like these type of oneshots. But I'm in love with sad endings.

I know my writing skills are bad. And the plot didn't match any of the title.

I'm just starting to write. I love writing ff's and oneshots with my only real ship taekook.

I have loads of ideas in my head but converting them into words is really hard for me. As a introvert, i never talked to someone so long.

Everyone says I'm so silent and so childish. I'm silent because of them. I don't know in which angle they find me being childish.

I promise to make my writing skills better. Support me if u like the shots.

I forgot why I'm here!. Ah, I'm here to share a ff which made me sob so badly. It's a masterpiece.

If u haven't read it yet

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If u haven't read it yet. Please do read it. It's worth ur time.

Hehe I'm a silent reader so i didn't left any comment on the ff but it was a masterpiece made by JEONfanTAEsea

Hehe I'm a silent reader so i didn't left any comment on the ff but it was a masterpiece made by JEONfanTAEsea

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She is very caring tho. That last speech of hers made me cry hard. It made me realize what life really is.

The last line really hits me hard 'With a aching heart and wishing for a different reality'

As she said, live every moment of ur life and make more memories. Life is full of twists and turns. When things get hard It's okay to break down sometimes.

But don't let that sadness to take over u completely. Try to move on with the things that hurted u.

You are stronger than u think.

Don't let someone to disrespect u.

Don't say 'Next time'. What if there is no next time to spend time with ur loved ones. Make some time for them. Make time for yourself to enjoy with them.

Live ur life and make it memorable.

Live ur life and make it memorable

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U readed it fully?? Woah thank you for reading my rants.

Hope u are having a little smile on ur face.

Stay healthy and happy.

Love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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