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A cute fluff ball was watching the sun set while drinking his banana milkshake. Listening to soft music. Relaxing in couch. Singing along with rhythm. All the while keeping the smile in his lips.

He live alone in an apartment and he kindof like the loneliness. Suddenly he heard a knock on his door. Knowing who it was. He shouted 'The door is not locked Tae'.

There came his crush. Oops we can say more than a crush.

Tae came to balcony and saw that kook was drinking banana milk while rubbing his palm on his shoulder. He then noticed that kook is not wearing warm clothes.

So tae pulled his sweater off. And gave it to kook. And softly said 'Koo if u wear thin clothes you'll get cold. Comeon wear this sweater.'

Kook blushed and weared it then asked concern 'What about u taetae?'

Tae smirked slightly and said in teasing tone 'I'll hug u tightly'

'U look pretty on it' tae said and kook blushed.

Then tae sat on the couch near kook and hugged him in one side. After awhile staying like that and talking about random things.

Kook realized that tae started to shiver so, he told him to get inside. They both went under the blanket and cuddled.

Suddenly Tae leaned towards kook and kissed him on lips. Kook was so shocked but nonetheless he also started to kiss back. The kiss was passionate and full of love for eachother.

They broke the kiss and tae panicked then said 'I'm sorry koo. I don't know what got into me. Please don't think about it. It didn't mean anything. Forgot it.'

That broke koo heart.

Jungkook pov-

Is that mean that he didn't feel anything in that kiss?

What he mean by it didn't mean anything?

Why did he kiss me out of the blue??

It's my first kiss. Didnt he get that i love him.

Oh i remember. He has a girlfriend.

He once gave her these sweater too. Koo how shame of u to not remember it before.

How can u like someone who has a girlfriend?

It breaks my heart.

If he keep on doing this. It'll break me a lot. I have to do something.

'It's fine hyung. I don't mind it. But do u know how much the kiss meant for me?'

He looked at me. I can say he is feeling guilty.

'I love u a lot hyung but guess what you're never going to be mine. You belong to someone else but i can't stop these feelings hyung. It hurts to see u with her. I know she looks lot prettier and she's the perfect one for u that's why I'm trying to move on but you're making it harder for me to move on hyung. Please i request u. Don't talk to me again. Don't come here again hyung. I want to live peacefully' kook was shedding no stop tears.

Tae was about to say something but i cutted him and said 'Please hyung l-l-leave from here'

No one's pov-

Tae don't wanted to make him more uncomfortable so he left. It hurts to see his bestfriend crying bcuz of him. He wanted to console him but he can't.

He couldn't do that after knowing that kook has feelings for him.

He too was heartbroken. After tae left, kook went on his knees and broke down. Crying heavily. Hoping that tae will come back to console him.


I swear I'm not sobbing. Someone is pealing onion.

I can't see them like that.🤧

It's supposed to be a sad ending. But i want a happy ending. Please let me know if u want a happy ending too.

It's okay if u are a silent reader. I would be more happy if u say ur suggestion.

Stay healthy and happy.

Hope u have a great day.

Hope u have a great day

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