The Face Of Hydra

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"Father. I have arrived." Sin greeted the Red Skull as she strolled into the command center with the Winter Soldier slumped over her back.

"Ahhhh, Sin. Danke fur retrieving der Winter Soldier. At least there are those wer could finish der job." The Red Skull commented as he eyed Crossbones to his left, who was shivering and had a bit of snow left on his shoulders.

"Kami damn wizard." Crossbones growled between shaking his teeth, still mad about Wong sending him to the North Pole. If only he could run into the assistant to Doctor Strange again, he would make him suffer.

"Enough about der whining Frank." Said the temper controlling Red Skull as he looked towards Sin. "But er has brought up ein interssant point. How did Captain America reveal Captain Barnes' identity?"

"He knocked the Winter Soldier's mask off." Crossbones said as he answered for his girlfriend, trying to maintain his obedient machoness, but his shivering and slight whimpering hindered what he wanted to project.

"Er simply knock his mask off." The Red Skull repeated slowly and with tempered malice as he got up from his chair, gripping the ends of the armrests so much that they began to crack. Sin gazed back and forth between her boyfriend and father as she rested Bucky's body by one of the pillars, uneasy of how this might go.

"Mein Fuhrer, we knew achieving a full success with the first launch of the Winter Soldier was unlikely. It is clear that whatever Captain America did at Korin's Tower granted him enough power to fight back. With Master Roshi on his side, we are lucky that Crossbones was able to prevent any damage to our goals that the two warriors would have inflicted." Arnim Zola said as he stepped forward. Although the head of Hydra's scientific division may have expressed little concern when it came to saving lives, he knew it would have been counterproductive if the Red Skull would have struck Crossbones down. It was for the good of Hydra after all.

"Sehr gut." The Red Skull responded, agreeing with Zola as he calmed himself down, much to the relief of Crossbones and Sin. "Es was ein possibility that mein Winter Soldier would have nicht prevailed, not to mention das zwei studentin Mutaito mochten hat succeeded ins der battle. Es ist Zeit that we move onto der next phase of die plan."

"Ja, should I contact Zemo?" Zola offered, figuring that they might require his services.

"No need. We are already here." Baron Helmut Zemo said as he strolled in with Hasky, General Blue, and Taskmaster in tow.

"Ahhhh, Zemo. Ja, ich was expecting du to kommst." The Red Skull said with a smile as he welcomed the son of Heinreich to come into his domain. "I trust you are ready for your next task?"

"Ja, for the good of Hydra." Zemo said as Blue began to twitch, feeling the spirit of the Ghost Rider stir within him. Brock felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Wunderbar....since der Winter Soldier hat er first battle with our adversaries, it's Zeit for the next phase of our plan. Es ist time to make mein presence known to alls der Earth!" The Red Skull proclaimed.

"And how do you expect to accomplish that?" Baron Zemo asked, raising an eyebrow. He did not know where the Red Skull was taking this.

"By making der biggest move of all....launching einen surprise assault against the King of Earth." The Red Skull said as the computer monitors lit up, revealing numerous news footages of Norman Osborn, ranging from reports by Jimmy Firecracker to Betty Brant to J. Jonah Jameson.

"Surely you can't be serious!" Exclaimed Zemo, shocked that the Red Skull would make such a move, at least this early.

"Oh, aber ich bin!" The Red Skull announced with a proud smile as he looked up at the face of Norman. "As much as ich wanted it to be King Furry, Norman Osborn being ein shining example to all after was hat transpired mit Demon King Piccolo will be more than enough example. Ich will be sending Hydra's best to either capture King Osborn....oder kill him."

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