The Red Skull

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Crossbones and Sin, two dedicated followers of the true order of Hydra stand behind the curtain and peer out to the mass of soldiers, all of whom were expecting a speech from their leader Baron Zemo concerning the aftermath of Demon King Piccolo. The Baron himself, from another corner of the room, peers out bitterly. This is not how it was supposed to go, not at all. Hydra was supposed to be a peacekeeping force, a pillar and symbol of hope for many of Earth's citizens to look up to. Instead, it had reverted back to a symbol of tyranny, something Zemo wanted to avoid.

"I can't believe you kept him in a healing tank instead of letting him die this entire time." Came the voice of Hasky. Slowly, Zemo turned around to find her, along with General Blue and Taskmaster. His Thunderbolts.

"If I had cut the cord, many in Hydra would have seen me as a traitor. I had to keep the Red Skull alive." Helmut said as he removed himself from the gaze of the curtain.

"A lot of good that did." Taskmaster said as he eyed up Sin from across the room.

"Do you have a death wish? That's Crossbones' girl." Eddie Brock/General Blue said, hoping Anthony's actions wouldn't get them in trouble.

"That's exactly why I am doing it. Nothing gets under a person's skin more than getting to the one they love." Taskmaster said with a low evil chuckle. "Tell me, is that the widower coming out of you, or is it the 'big on sin' Ghost Rider?"

"Don't bring Ann into this." Blue growled, hoping Masters would not bring his deceased wife Ann Brock into this.

"Is this strife I sense? I must say, it's not for the good of Hydra." Came a noisy German accented voice as Arnim Zola approached the Thunderbolts with a thin smile.

"Save us the sympathy Zola. We both know you enjoy the strife within our group." Zemo barked back, though he chose to be a bit soft in his comment.

"I suppose getting things off one's chest can be healthy. I am sure your teammate Hasky could need it most." Zola said, trying to draw out Hasky's anger. General Blue had to put a hand on her shoulder so she wouldn't act out like her sister Launch.

"Is there something else you want to tell us?" Taskmaster asked as he folded his arms into his chest. As much as he did enjoy a good fight, he didn't want the Thunderbolts fall to anything political.

"Yes. It is time for you to take the stage Zemo, along with Crossbones and Sin. The Red Skull is about to reveal himself publicly." Zola said.

"Then it's best that we don't keep them waiting. Brock, keep Hasky and Masters in line and don't cause any trouble backstage. Please don't use your Ghost Rider form to solve the conflict." Zemo ordered.

"Will do. Good luck out there." General Blue responded with a nod of the head.

"Thank you." Baron Zemo said as he turned back to the curtain and mentally prepared himself. "Showtime."


The scene shifts to the crowd of Hydra soldiers in the stands, awaiting their leader Zemo to show. However, what they were surprised to find out when the curtains opened was the Red Skull in all his glory, standing before them at the podium. Accompanied right behind him was Crossbones and Schmitt's daughter Sin, standing proud. However, Zemo was in the corner, visible but his purple mask hiding his displeased face. Zemo was dreading this day to come, watching a decent size of the crowd erupt in applause while the rest stood around in confusion. The Hydra Zemo had hope for was no more.

"Mein soldiers, ich bin pleased to announce that after 300 Jahre, ich have returned. Yes, was du stand before you all ist the Red Skull, the first and now current leader of Hydra. Baron Helmut Zemo, son of mein close Freud Heinrich Zemo, had continued the fight against Demon King Piccolo und finished it. Fur that, ich am proud to have kept Hydra alive in mich absence." The Red Skull said, knowing full well that Zemo would scoff under his breath.

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