Rust-Hearts solitude

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In the serene solitude atop the majestic mountain on the back of New-Born, Rust-Heart led an isolated existence within the confines of his ancient castle. Despite the bustling life teeming around him, Rust-Heart found solace in the quiet halls and forgotten chambers of his fortress, where the echoes of past adventures whispered through the corridors.

With each passing day, Rust-Heart tended to the mechanisms and machineries that kept the castle running, his mechanical fingers deftly maneuvering through the labyrinthine network of gears and pulleys. Though the castle was a marvel of engineering, its walls bore the scars of time, each crack and crevice a testament to the passage of centuries.

Amidst the solitude of his secluded abode, Rust-Heart found refuge in his memories, reliving the tales of bygone days when he roamed the cosmos alongside companions long since departed. He pored over ancient tomes and manuscripts, seeking solace in the wisdom of ages past, and gazed wistfully upon the stars that glittered in the night sky, yearning for the camaraderie of kindred spirits.

Yet amidst the tranquility of his isolated life, a longing stirred within Rust-Heart's mechanical heart—a yearning for companionship and connection, for the warmth of laughter and the joy of shared adventures. And as the echoes of his solitude reverberated through the silent halls of his castle, Rust-Heart dreamed of a world beyond his mountain sanctuary, where the bonds of friendship awaited amidst the boundless expanse of the cosmos.

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