Chapter Four: Captain

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Chapter Four 

Matty woke up with a smile on her face, ready to tackle her day. She didn't know if it was just her, or if it was a universal student feeling to have the most motivation on the first day of school (that would eventually taper off into dread and just wanting the school year to be over). She slipped her uniform on, this time making sure it was smooth and looked nice.

She made her way to the Great Hall where she enjoyed a nice breakfast made by the house elves. Although she loved her mother's cooking, she'd have to admit she missed the cooking by the house elves and made a mental note to herself to sneak down to the kitchen later that day and thank them for it.

Potions class was the first class she had scheduled that morning and internally she let out a small groan. Potions was fun, but having to remember all the ingredients or steps early in the morning made her brain hurt. Especially since this was a NEWT-level class. But on the bright side, she had the class with a couple of her close friends which made it more bearable.

After breakfast, she took a small bit of time between that and potions class to brush up a bit on her knowledge of potions just in case. It would be a nightmare to make a fool of herself on the first day of school if she slipped up and somehow forgot the basics she had been taught the past two years.

As she walked into Professor Sharp's classroom she could see Sebastian paired up with Ominis at one of the potions table, likewise with Garreth and Natty. Sebastian looked up and saw Matty walk in, smiling at her. She gave a smile back before walking to one of the potions tables beside Hope. She would go up and say good morning to Sebastian and Ominis she could hear the distinct pattern of Professor Sharp's footsteps and knew the class was about to start.

Surely enough, Professor Sharp came walking in not a minute later. The clock on the wall ticked to nine am and class officially started.

"Welcome to year seven of potions," Professor Sharp said as he began to walk to his desk at the head of the classroom. "This year will be the most important year in your education, especially for those with hopes to work for the Ministry after school. Since, after all, this is a NEWT-level class. Therefore it will not be easy and easy passes will not be given. I expect the best work from all of you this year."

Usually every year Professors opened up their first class of the year talking about how important and pivotal that year would be in their education, but this year Matty believed it. She was months away from graduation and was determined to do well and get good marks so that she could pursue her career in the ministry as an Auror. Potions on a NEWT level was also one of the classes Professor Weasley had recommended, which meant Matty truly had to put her all to do well.

"A brief review of what we have learned in the past three years will be given today and that will be it. The rest of the reviewing or reading that is not assigned will have to be done by you in your own time." Professor Sharp explained.

For the next ten minutes the class was able to go through a couple of sheets of paper, on it was written the potions they had learned to brew, the ingredients to them, instructions, and the antidotes to those potions if there were any. This knowledge would be useful for things such as quizzes and Matty made sure to put it to mind since this would be the only review they had like this.

The rest of the class was very easy. Professor Sharp only had them brew one potion for that day, which was a draught of peace, a decently simple potion. The potion brew time was ninety minutes, which meant the class would run over ten minutes till ten-forty since they had taken ten minutes for a review.

Professor Sharp warned them about the side effects of overdoing the ingredients of a draught of peace. Irreversible sleep was one of them. Matty was sure to check all of her ingredients, make sure she had the correct measurements, and add them correctly as well.

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